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Arthur is happy with some PDA, but nothing too strong, he prefers to spend time alone with you more anyway. He doesn't really give much PDA but happily accepts it, a kiss on the cheek or holding onto his elbow while you are walking is something that he enjoys. Arthur can come off like a quite rough or intimidating man, but he always smiles at you and laughs with you no matter who is watching. And he often has a hand on your back, but he doesn't even realize that he is doing it.


Dutch isn't too affectionate with you in public but he does enjoy some PDA. He might not kiss you in front of the whole camp (unless he was drunk at one of their parties) but he happily has an arm around you and would definitely invite you to dance with him when somebody was playing music. Everyone knew that he was in love with you and he didn't mind at all, actually he liked that everybody knew you were happy together.


Micah is not affectionate in public, he has to be comfortable and he will only be affectionate towards you in private. But he will wink at you and make dirty comments, no matter who can see or hear. You could sit on his lap at the campfire or he will throw his arm over your shoulders when you are at the saloon, as long as he doesn't ruin his tough guy image he is happy. So PDA isn't really for him.


Charles doesn't mind PDA, having his arm wrapped around your shoulders or your waist, kissing your forehead or a quick peck on the lips, you resting your head on his shoulder while you sit around the campfire, and he definitely wouldn't turn down a hug from you. He didn't think that PDA made him look weak or anything like that, he didn't care if people knew that you were a happy couple. In fact, he would like people to know that you love each other.


Javier is a fan of PDA. He would flirt with you in public, it doesn't matter who is around. He likes to make you blush, he likes to touch you and hold you, he likes to kiss you, and he doesn't care if other people can see you both. He is proud to be with you, if he can show you off then he will, showing all men and women that you are both taken and that they shouldn't even bother trying. The other members of the gang would often roll their eyes when he wraps his arms around you.


Sean has no shame when it comes to PDA. He would be happy to kiss you passionately in the middle of camp, often hugging you and burying his face in the crook of your neck, placing a hand on your thigh or pulling you onto his lap when he is sat at the camp fire, or even just shouting shouting that he loves you when you are on the other side of the camp. He doesn't care what the other think, he loves you and wanted everyone to know that you love each other, he is proud to be with you.


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