Andrew Milton: Bargaining Chip Part 4

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Andrew Milton X Female Reader

Summary: Agent Milton comes across you while you are with another member of the gang. His jealously forces you both to admit how you truly feel about each other.

Word Count: 1700

You walked through Rhodes with Arthur, having just been talking to Beau Gray. You had been helping the young man with some relationship troubles he was having, as if you didn't have your own to worry about. You laughed as Arthur told a joke, nudging your arm playfully. You just rolled your eyes before nudging him back. It was nice when you had sometime that wasn't stressful or a matter of life or death, just getting to relax with a friend.

Andrew Milton walked through the town with out his colleague. He knew that it was foolish, even childish, but he still had some hope of running into you. After your time in the field, Andrew had some time to think about his feelings towards you. What started as simple attraction and infatuation had turned into something deeper, something more meaningful. He was well aware by now that he had real feelings for you, he enjoyed your company more than he enjoyed anyone's. He wasn't lying when he said that you were the type of woman that a man could fall in love with.

Just as he was about to give in for the day and accept that he wasn't going to run into you today, Andrew saw your familiar figure down the street. Approaching him. You were laughing and smiling, obviously in the middle of a playful conversation with Arthur Morgan. The sight made Milton's stomach turn. He knew that it was stupid, you and Arthur were just friends. The whole gang was like a family, just like you said. But Andrew couldn't help the jealously he felt at the sight.

You and Arthur laughed again but once your laughter died down, your gaze settled on a familiar face. You internally panicked, not wanting Arthur and Andrew to see each other. You just needed to get Arthur away from the detective, that simple. You stopped walking and turned to face Arthur with a smile.

"I'm just going to check on something, I'll see you back at the camp" you told him with a smile, trying to seem as casual as possible.

"Yeah, alright, see ya later" Arthur nodded after giving you a slightly confused look, but he thankfully shrugged it off.

You watched as Arthur walked away and mounted his horse, you sent him a small wave as he rode away from the town. Once Arthur was out of sight, you turned back to where you saw Andrew. The agent had stopped walking, he was now just standing in the street and looking at you. You gave him a small nod before you both began to walk towards each other, you wondered how this encounter would turn out.

"You and Mr Morgan seem close" Agent Milton commented, instead of a greeting like most people would begin a conversation with.

"I've told you this before, the gang is like family" you shrugged, furrowing your brow at him. What was his problem?

"Well, you both seemed real friendly" he nodded and you definitely didn't like the tone he was using with you.

"Oh my're jealous" you smiled, in slight disbelief. Agent Andrew Milton, agent of the Pinkerton Detective Agency, was jealous of your friendship with Arthur Morgan. This was priceless.

"I'm not jealous" Milton scoffed, but you could definitely tell that he was getting defensive.

"You are jealous" your smile widened, knowing that you were getting under his skin. You couldn't believe that he was jealous but you couldn't help the strange feeling it gave you, you were glad that he was jealous. Oh this was getting complicated.

" what if I am?" He asked, shifting his weight uncomfortably. Oh god, was he getting nervous?

"Bloody Hell, Andrew...what did you think was going to happen here?" You asked with a small scoff before you started walking down the street of Rhodes, walking away from the man. You knew that he would follow, you wanted him to follow but you also knew that you shouldn't want him to follow. It would all be better if he didn't follow you.

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