Dutch Van der Linde and Susan Grimshaw: Co-Parenting

Start from the beginning

"I don't have time for this, Miss Grimshaw" Dutch huffed before turning back to you. "Y/N, are you sure you are okay with working around camp?" he asked, looking almost concerned and that both confused and amused you.

"It makes me feel useful. I really don't mind it" you assured him with a smile.

"Alright" Dutch nodded, patting your shoulder affectionately before walking away.

You looked at your mother and she just sent you a wink, making you laugh to yourself before she walked away. Your mother was one of the big influences on you when it came to your desire to work. She practically kept the camp from collapsing everyday and you wanted to make her proud. Another influence was your father, this was his gang and you wanted to be a real part of that.


Some of the men in the gang were going on a job, a job that obviously could turn out to be pretty dangerous. It could never be completely simple, could it?

As they were getting ready to leave you had asked Dutch if you could go with them. As you expected, he had said 'no' but you still insisted on going with them. Unfortunately for you, both of your parents are against you going on the job.

"Will you just slow down and listen to me?" Dutch asked as he followed you to your tent to grab your things.

"No, I'm going with you" you shook your head, not wanting to give him any more time to argue the matter with you.

"Susan, will you tell her?" Dutch asked, pointing at you as your mother walked over to you both.

"I've told her, Dutch. She doesn't listen, she gets that from you, y'know?" Susan sighed. She didn't want you to go and she had told you that, you wouldn't listen to her either.

"From me? You're joking right? You're the stubborn one, she gets this nonsense from you. You were the one to teach her to shoot even after I told you both not too" Dutch argued and you just rolled your eyes, they were going to argue about this again.

"Sure, blame me, that's productive" your mother rolled her eyes.

"I'm still here you know?" you asked, looking between them both as you crossed your arms over your chest.

"Y/N, you aren't going with them. You're staying here" Susan told you but that wouldn't be enough to stop you.

"No, I'm going. I can look after myself and it's about time that the both of you let me prove it" you told them with a sigh.

"Dutch, are we going or not?" Javier asked as he and the other men walked over, wondering what was taking so long.

"Yeah, just one minute" Dutch nodded, clearly getting frustrated and impatient.

"Dad, come on. You know that I'm capable enough to go with you all" you argued again, staring your father down.

"Of course you can't come, you're just a kid" Micah scoffed, earning a glare from Susan. She definitely hated that man.

"Wow, I'm sorry Micah but I don't remember asking for your input on the matter. Mind your own business" you snarled at him, he really wasn't good at staying on your good side. Neither you or your mother understood why Dutch allowed Micah to stick around.

"See, she gets all of that from you" Dutch huffed as he pointed at Susan, but she just rolled her eyes at him.

"Look, I'm coming whether you like it or not. So get on board or start swimming" you told your father, interrupting the argument that he was trying to start.

"What does that even mean?" Dutch asked as he looked to you with a furrowed brow.

"Obviously she gets her intelligence from me as well" Susan smirked a little, earning a glare from your father.

"So, are we going?" you asked with a sigh, getting impatient now. Another trait that your mother would always say that you got from Dutch.

"We are, you're not" Dutch nodded, his voice strict as if that would convince you to give up.

"You can't stop me, lets go" you smiled at your parents before walking over to the horses, pushing past the few men.

"You better make sure nothing happens to her" Susan warned Dutch and he knew that she would actually kill him with he allowed you to get hurt.

"I'm not going to let anything happen to her" Dutch scoffed, dismissing her with a wave of his hand before hurrying to catch up with you. You just flashed him a smile as the group of you mounted your horses before riding out of the camp.

Susan watched you ride out of the camp with some of the men. Of course she was worried about you but she couldn't help but smile, knowing that you were going to give Dutch a hard time and prove him wrong.


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