King of New York

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All the Manhattan newsies were gathered at Jacobi's Deli. Everyone woke up this morning, bruised and sore. The boys were spread across the deli, slumped in their chairs, some with cold cloths on their bruises. I sat leaning up against Race's side, my arms crossed and my head leaning back against his shoulder.

"Drink up, boys." Jacobi said as he passed out waters. "And don't ever say I don't give you nothin'. And before you say water is nothing, just ask a fish. In the desert." With that, he left.

Finch stepped forwards, looking at where Jacobi disappeared back into the kitchen. "Why do old people talk?"

"To prove theys still alive." Race sighed.

I rolled my eyes at his comment. Just then, the bells on the door chimes as a familiar man walked through the door, a paper tucked beneath his arm. "Good morning." As Denton glanced around the room, his smile fell. "Oh, would you get a load of these glum mugs. Can these really be the same fellas who made front page of the New York Sun?" Denton held up the paper for everyone to see.

All the boys perked up, including myself. I sat up straight in my chair and looked over at Denton, shock on my face.

"Front page of what?" Henry asked excitedly.

Race shot up and rushed over to Denton. "Let me see!" He snatched the paper from the reporter and looked at the cover. "Well, would you look at that! That's me!"

"Front page and you ain't even dead!" Jojo exclaimed.

"Where's me?" Romeo asked, grabbing the paper from Race. "Where's me?"

Elmer snatched it from Romeo, a large smile on his face. "Just wait til my old man gets a load of this. I won't be last in line for the tub tonight!"

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the paper from Elmer, reading over the article. "Modern day Davids are poised to take on the rich and powerful Goliath with the swagger of one twice their age, armed with nothing but a few nuggets of truth, Jack and Tatum Kelly stand ready to face the behemoth Pulitzer." My eyes were wide as I turned to Denton, a smile on my face.

"You got us in the papes?" David asked, look to Denton.

"You got yourselves in the papes." He replied.

"Newsies Stop the World." Mush said, reading the title of the article. "Now there's a headline even Elmer could sell."

Spec looked away from the paper to the reporter. "Hey, what else do ya got?"

"Oh, well, mine is the only one that ran. Pulitzer declared a blackout on strike news, so even I'm shut down." Denton said, sighing. He turned towards Davey next. "I heard they arrested Crutchie. Did they get Jack, too?"

"The Delanceys are spreading the word that he took it on the land at the first sight of the cops." Albert said, approaching our small group.

Les stood up to him, trying to get in his face despite the height difference. "Jack don't run from now fight!"

"Hey, get down, short stuff. I'm just reporting the news."

I shook my head, a sad look on my face as I looked at the boy standing on the other side of the restaurant. "He's right, Al. I saw Jack there even after the bulls arrived; he didn't run."

"For jumpin' Jack's sake, can you stow his curiosity long enough to just the moment?" Race said, walking over to Albert and playfully punching his chest; this kid was full of energy all of a sudden, seeing as five minutes ago, he didn't want to get up. Race pulled Albert in for a side hug, much to the red head's disgust. "I'm famous!" Race smirked and stuck his cigar in his mouth, straightening his cap.

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