Carrying the Banner

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The next few weeks passed by quickly and in routine; I'd wake up, get papes, go to Central Park and sell my papers. Almost every day, Spot would come keep me company. I found it annoying the first couple of days, but I actually learned to like his company. We've gotten really close over these last couple of weeks.

I woke up later than I usually do, only having enough time to get dressed before the boys woke up and started getting ready. As I was clipping on my suspenders, I heard the bells of the clock tower nearby start chiming.

"Hey Specs!" I heard Jack yell from the open window; he and Crutchie spent the night up on the roof last night. Or on, what Jack likes to call, the penthouse. "Racer! Henry! Albert! Elmer! Tate! Get a move on! Those papes don't sell themselves!"

As if on cue, Race appears out of the bathroom, adjusting his suspenders. "Hey. Albert, Elmer, Tate. You heard Jack. Get a move on."

Albert sighs and appears from behind Race, his hair messy and his clothes wrinkled. "I was having the most beautiful dream. My lips are still tingling."

"Ooo, a pretty girl?" I teased, giving him a playful smile.

"A leg of lamb." He replied. Race looked at me and I shrugged. Not a second later, Albert snatched the cigar from Race's fingers, going to put it between his lips.

"Hey! That's my cigar!" Race said, singing the last part.

"You'll steal anodda." Albert dang back, sticking the cigar into his pocket.

"Hey, look! It's bath time at the zoo." Specs chipped in, pointing into the bathroom. I saw he was indicating to Henry, who was putting shaving scream on his face to shave.

He turned to us when he heard Specs' remark. "I thought that'd I'd surprise my mother."

"If you can find her." Albert retorted causing all of us gathered around to look at his with irritated expressions.

"Who asked you?!" We all said in sync.

We all headed downstairs and out the front door onto the street. As we got outside, Albert sighed. "Papes ain't movin like they used to. I think I need a new selling spot. Any ideas?"

"From Bottle Alley to the Harbor." Race sang. "There's easy pickings guaranteed."

"Try any banker, bum, or barber. They almost all knows how to read." I told him, nudging Albert in the arm.

Jack appeared from the fire escape. He must have heard our later comments, for he started joining us. "It's a crooked game we're playin'; one we'll never lose. Long as suckers don't mind payin' just to get bad news."

"Ain't it a fine life. Carrying the banner through it all." All the newsies sang together. "A mighty fine life! Carrying the banner tough and tall. When that bell rings, we goes where we wishes. We's as free as fishes. Sure beats washing dishes. What a fine life; carrying the banner home-free all!"

Just then, a girl around our age passed by, her long blonde hair flowing down her shoulders and back. Just as I had expected, Romeo stepped forward, a bright smile on his face. "Well, hello, hello, hello Beautiful."

"Woah. Step aside Romeo." Jack said, pushing the smaller boy back and standing in front of the girl. "Nothing more concerns you here. Morning, miss." He gave the girl a smile similar to Romeo's; she didn't seem amused. "May I interest you in the latest news?"

"The paper isn't out yet." She said in a monotone voice.

"Oh, I would be delighted to deliver it to you poisonally." Jack said, placing a hand on his chest.

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