"I swear to God, babysitting a 7 year old is much easier than tolerating his tantrums!" He rolled his eyes.

"I feel ya bud!" Just then we heard a loud noise of a door banging, startling both me and Antti.

I got up and looked around to see Seb's bathroom door locked and the sound of the shower coming through. I turned returning to my previous seating. I was still worried for him.

Seeing the expression on my face, Antti spoke, "He'll be fine! Just some work stress, okay."

I don't know whether he didn't try hard enough or what but it didn't sound really convincing, however, I nodded lightly.

"You want something for breakfast?" I asked him as I got up to prepare Seb something. I was certain it would cheer him up.

"An apple would so just fine!" He said and I tossed him and apple from the fruit basket.

He kept me company as I prepared a fruit salad, baked beans, and pancakes. Antti seemed like a genuinely nice guy except for his jokes.. They were horrendous and he knew it but still he wouldn't stop!

As soon as I finished making breakfast Seb came around, still angry and frustrated. He didn't make any eye contact with either of us, he didn't even acknowledge our presence as he grabbed himself a glass of water.

I wanted to give him some space but he needed to have something before he started his day. So, I went up to him and cautiously placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, breakfast's ready." I said in my most soft voice.

"Why don't you fucking understand? I don't want you and I don't want your breakfast. Just fucking leave me alone!" He yelled at me. It took me a second to register what he said-sorry, yelled at me.

I stood still in my spot, trying to make sense of what had happened as he stormed off into his room and slamming shut the door. I repeated whatever I'd said to him in my mind and I really didn't understand what made him snap at me.

Realising that there was somebody else in the kitchen, I forced a smile on my face. All the years of keeping my emotions inside my heart did have it's perks after all; I was only better at pretending now. It was like a second nature to me to just pretend as if everything's fine.

I turned towards him and joyfully asked, "So, what time are you excepted at the track?"

Antti was confused to see me like that and his eyes were searching for a flicker of sadness on my face. I nodded indicating that I was fine.

"We have to leave in another 20 minutes."

I smiled and nodded when I really wanted to scream. Nobody should get away with shouting at me when it wasn't even my fault. If you have a problem, sit and talk or don't talk but shouting at me.. Worst move ever!



"I said you should get ready right away."

"Well, I wasn't really thinking of coming today." Oh hell I wanted to but thanks to Mr. Grumpy my mood was officially ruined!

"Bullshit! You are coming today; you can't stay here and miss out on the experience. It'll be great, believe me!" He said while pushing me a little towards my room.

But before I went in, he stopped me, "I'm sorry for Sebastian's behaviour. He's.. he's been under a lot of stress lately. Give him a moment, he'll come around. After all, you're his 'Dia'!"

Whatever did he mean by his 'Dia'?

Somehow, I wasn't so pepped up about going down there. 12 hours ago, I was only scared by the looks people would give me, scared of the attention I might get. But now, I just wanted to avoid being around him.

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