I rolled my eyes and stood up,"Aren't you some multicoloured fucker?",I said sarcastically,"you invite me to stay over so politely one minute and making me sound like a whore the next".

"Aren't all gays like that?".

Without much thought, I grabbed him by the collar,"Watch your mouth",I said through gritted teeth and let go,"I don't owe you any answers so fuck off".

"Hmm.... Can it be? You've finally seen your boyfriend's bad side?".

I stiffened.

He knows? How the fuck does he know?

Ignoring his question, I walked out of the resting room and got into one of the classes. Seeing if there's anything to refill or if there are canvases that need to be replaced.

After work hours, I stood outside the art studio as I waited for Julian to finish whatever he was doing with the woman inside.

I got my phone and called Ted. After the third ring, he picked up.

"Hey",came his smooth voice and my heart flattered.

"Hey, Ted. Uhm, I'm not coming home today".

There was a long pause,"Sure",he said and I felt my jaw hit the concrete.


That's it?

"I'm still working so..... We'll talk later",he hang up.

I looked at my phone in disbelief. He didn't ask why. He even hang up on me. Was he offended? I'm the one whose supposed to be offended here.

"Is it just me or are you really off today?".

I looked at Julian. He was walking towards me, shaking the keys in his right hand.

I smiled softly.

"What do you wanna talk about?".

I exhaled loudly,"It's about Ted".

He looked at me for a while then stared ahead,"My house is an easy five minute walk from here. We'll talk properly then".

We walked down the street and as he said earlier, his house was really close. He unlocked the door and he let me get in first then he walked in.

From outside, this place honestly looked like a dump but the inside was amazing and weirdly huge. The walls were high, luxurious furniture graced the place and there was an indoor pool.

"Whoa", I said as I took in my surroundings.

"You like?".

I smiled wide,"A lot".

"What do you want to drink?".

"Water will be fine".

He nodded and walked to the bar. He grabbed two glass cups and filled one with scotch and the other with sparkling water.

He handed the one with sparkling water to me, I said thanks and took the cup.

"So, what's going on?", he asked, sitting on the black couch.

I sat across from him and told him everything that happened. When I was done, Julian stared at his glass of scotch like he was looking through the universe. I began to wonder if he heard me or got drank in the middle of my narration.

"Julian?",I called. Unsure if he fell asleep with his eyes open or not.

He looked at me,"Theodore has a dark personality".

"A dark personality? Like a split personality or something?".

"No. He's just really possessive and overbearing",he leaned back,"he wanted to cut off some guy's hand because he hit you. That's good. It's been a while".

"I'm sorry but I'm not the type of person who is flattered by such actions".

"He's first love got injured because of him so he's really overprotective of his lovers but it's the first time I've heard of him go this far. He must really like you".

I bit my lower lip,"I'm really scared. He gave out the order like he was used to it".

He waved his hand at me dismissively,"Don't worry. He's neither a murderer nor is he involved with the mafia. Well, he's not involved with the mafia anymore".

"The mafia?".

"That's a story of the past. Anyway, you should talk to him. I bet he's feeling really sad that his lover ran off".

I felt bad. I need to talk to Theodore properly and sort things out instead of running away.


Okay then. Longer chapter this time, huh?

I hope you liked this chapter.

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