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"So you're moving in with him?", Lynn asked in surprise.

"Yep",I said as I wiped my hands with a kitchen cloth, removing the flour and butter mix that stuck to my fingers.

It was Sunday and as usual, I was at the bakery. Business was so busy all day and I was happy that things had finally settled down by evening.

"Why so suddenly?",she asked, her brows arched high.

"I'm most likely getting evicted tomorrow so this timing can't be more right",I put the cloth on the countertop and leaned on it.

"Why are you moving in with him anyway?".

"Because he's my boyfriend",I answered honestly.

Her jaw dropped,"Come again?".

I laughed,"He's my boyfriend".

She leaned on the counter,"No fucking way".

"Yes fucking way".

"Why did my gay little brother find such a stud and I'm still single?",she groaned.

"It's not my fault that you lack sex appeal",I stuck my tongue out at her.

She shot me a glare,"Hey, I'm trying my best here", she smiled,"but you're so lucky. He looks like he bathes in money".

"Money isn't the only large thing he has",I winked at her and her cheeks burned red.

"Stop it!",she yelled,"you're giving me bad mental images!".

I laughed, my hand tapping the counter lightly,"I'm sorry. I thought we were having a sister moment".

She buried her face in her hands,"I didn't want to know about your gay sex experience".

I gasped dramatically and feigned offence,"Oh my, sis. What a dirty mind you have. I didn't say anything about gay sex. He has a large house, a large company and large bodyguards but since you mentioned sex then yeah, his dick is heaven".

She blushed harder," You're such a show off".

I laughed.

She poked my right hand,"What's his name anyway?".

"Not telling".

She pouted,"Why not?".

"If he hasn't told you his name then there's a reason why".

She sighed,"Fine. I give up. Did you already shift your stuff to his house?".

"I didn't have time to pack up but he sent some people to pack and shift everything for me".

"I want a boyfriend too",she whined.

I held her hand,"Work hard, sis.  What happened with your ex? I thought you guys had it good".

"He's a cheating jerk. I hate him".

I looked at the clock on the wall,"It's an hour till closing. Can I get the leftover blueberry sponge cake?".

"Sure thing".

My phone dinged. I looked at the screen, it was a text from Ted.

~I'll be home early. I can't wait to see you :)

I smiled, my heart skipping a beat. I bit my lower lip as I typed in my response.

~I can't wait to see you too. I miss you <3

Lynn stood up,"It's him, isn't it?".

I nodded. My phone dinged again, I looked at the reply.

~You can't miss me more than I miss you ;)

I blushed. Argh, this sexy cheesy bastard.

I want to go home so bad. Finding my mind blank of any cheesy or adorable comebacks, I sent heart emojis and put my phone down.

I looked at my sister,"Let's finish up".

She laughed,"Somebody's in a hurry".

I swiped the keycard on the scanner and the door to the penthouse opened. I took a deep breath, anticipating whatever was waiting inside.

I walked in and noticed the dim lights and emptiness. Most of the lighting came from the variety of lights shining outside that leaked into the room through the floor to ceiling windows.

"Ted?",I called as I put my backpack on the sofa.

Being left with no reply whatsoever, I walked into the dining room and gasped at the display before me.

The table at the center of the room had a white cloth draped over it. An empty plate and flute of champagne lay on each end. In the middle of the table was a small metal bucket filled with ice cubes and inside was a bottle of Chateau Margaux wine.

This was beautiful. I never thought Theodore was such a romantic guy. I wonder where he is.

As if answering my mental question, I felt him hug me from behind. He kissed the nape of my neck,"Welcome home, baby",he whispered.

I shivered pleasurably at the feeling of his warm breath against the back my neck,"What's all this about?",I asked.

He's hold on me tightened,"We are celebrating your moving in with me. You have no idea of how happy that makes me".

I snuggled into him,"It's lovely",I turned to face him,"I want a kiss",I whispered, my gaze dropping to that sensual mouth of his.

He ran his tongue over his lower lip. I trembled at the movement. Is it normal for someone to be soaked in so much sex appeal?

Maybe he could lend some to Lynn.

He leaned down and kissed me, sucking my tongue and exploring my mouth. I moaned and he withdrew,"Take a seat. The food will be done in a minute".

I bit my lip in excitement,"I'll be waiting".

We let go of each other and he went into the kitchen. I sat on one of the chairs and smiled. What did I do to deserve this guy?

He came out a few minutes later with two plates of macaroni with a fancy sauce spread on top of it, grilled chicken and mashed potatoes. The aroma was so delicious it made my mouth water.

Ted sat down too and poured us some wine. We began to eat quietly and honestly, words can't describe how good this tasted.

"Damn, Ted. Is there something you're not good at?", I said as I took a sip of my wine.

He chuckled,"If you haven't noticed, I'm very talented with my hands".

I laughed,"Thanks for all this. The food is amazing".

He smiled,"I'm glad that you think so. We have a long way to go".

"I'm looking forward to every mile". 


Awwwwn, cute gay love. I feel all fluffy inside. I really liked writing this chapter.

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