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I hummed along to all time low as I swept the studio floor after hours.

It was a good night and the stores french windows gave a good view of the street. There was a music store right across from us and the lighting looked amazing at this time of the night.

For a measly Monday, this wasn't half bad. The bell on top of the door chimed and I looked up to see Brody walk in.

I smiled and lowered the volume on my phone,"Hello".

He smiled back,"Charlie, hey. I didn't think you'd be here at this hour".

I laughed,"I'm always here at this hour".

"Is that so?",he cleared his throat nervously,"where's Julian?".

"In the back doing Lord knows what with that dark haired woman".

He laughed,"Julian and his ever active dick".

"I know, right?".

Silence enveloped us and I went back to doing my job.

"Uhm, Charlie. There's this romcom movie that I wanna see but I don't want to go alone so.....".

"Ask your girlfriend. I bet she'd love to go",I put back the broom in the storage unit after I finished the clean up and I began to pack all the paint supplies.

"I don't have a girlfriend",he said as he began to help out.

"Broke up?".

"I haven't dated for a while now".

"Haven't we all?",I said and we both laughed.

"I'd like to go with you".

"What's with that? It's weird for two guys to go watch some sappy romcom together".

"I like you".

I paused what I was doing and looked at him, trying to figure out if he was being serious,"Huh?".

"I like you. I like like you".

I let out an apologetic smile,"I'm sorry but let me give you some meaningful advice, you only say that to girls you really like".

"But you're gay".

"I'm gay not whoring",I retorted with a chuckle,"besides, what you feel for me might be curiosity. You're straight, right?".

He nodded,"But I really like you. You're cute and kinda feminine even though you're a guy and you've got this sexy aura".

"Bullshit",I put everything in the storage unit,"just find yourself a proper girlfriend. It's the best road you can take, trust me",I sat across from him.

He stared at me for a while then his eyes trailed down my neck and widened lightly,"Are you rejecting me because you've found yourself a boyfriend?".

"I'm not dating anyone. What made you suddenly think that?".

He pointed at a certain spot on his neck,"You've got a hickey".

I put my hand over the mark and blushed.

Shit. I totally forgot about that. Why didn't anyone say anything about it today?

"You have one, right?",Brody asked again and I really wanted to punch him in the mouth.

I stood up and grabbed my bag,"I don't and if I did, it would be none of your business".

"Charlie!", Julian called as he walked towards me, his hair a mess,"come extra early tomorrow. You've got a painting to deliver at B&C".

I nodded,"Yes sir",I looked at Brody,"goodnight".

"Please think about it".

"I will",I said and walked out of the building.

The next day came and I was in an elevator going to Ted's office. I began to wonder if he really meant what he said last Saturday.

I laughed at myself. He's Theodore Bentley. Rich, sexy and has a load of people who want to climb into his bed. Why would he go for a lower middle class baker, cleaner and delivery man like me?

The elevator doors slid open and I made my way to Ted's office. I knocked and Victoria opened the door.

She smiled at me,"Hello, Mr. Garrett".

"Please call me Charlie. You're older than me".

She laughed,"You don't seem like the shy type".

"I'm not, it's just a little embarrassing".

"I see, Mr. Bentley is waiting for you. We have a meeting in thirty minutes so kindly be quick".

"You're not staying with us?".

"No. I need to finish the preparations for the meeting so you'll be talking to Mr. Bentley directly".

"Oh, okay then".

She left the office and I gulped down the butterflies that suddenly filled my stomach.

Ted was writing something down and I walked to his table.

"Good morning, sir".

"Good morning",he looked up at me and put down his pen, giving me his undivided attention.

I blushed nervously,"U-umm, the paintings for this week are more expertly done",I removed one of the paintings from their holder and carefully handed it to him without straining the plastic.

He looked at it and hummed in appreciation,"This looks great. Let me see the rest".

I did just that. I showed him each painting and told him the humourless shit that Julian made me memorise.

"This is done by our best painter, Kale. She's an art genius",I explained.

He reached out and held my hand,"What about you?".

I looked at our hands,"Hm?".

"Do you paint?".

I laughed, feeling a little awkward,"I'm really bad at it".

He turned our hands,"Figures", he lifted my hand and observed it closely,"you've got the hands of a baker. Your treats are the best".

I rose a brow at him,"You're so corny",I teased with a laugh.

He chuckled and dropped my hand,"I'll get all of them. Ms. Brooke will send the check soon after".

I nodded and stood up.

He stood up too,"Let me escort you to the door".

"Thank you".

We walked to the door and I turned to face him,"It was nice doing business with you".

He reached out and brushed his index finger's first knuckle lightly on my lower lip. I'm not the type to shy away from pleasure so I took the initiative and licked his finger seductively.

He smirked,"I'll see you at the bakery on Saturday then?".

I returned the flirtatious smirk,"I'll be waiting".


I'm a major stress eater, how about you?

What do you think Brody's intentions are and also.... Charlie, Theodore, office..... Eh? Ehhhh?😎

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