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The week flew by quickly and I was looking forward to my new Saturday morning ritual. A great morning at the bakery eating tasty treats and admiring Charlie.

Half of me was frustrated that he spent most of his hours in the kitchen while the other half of me loved the fact that he was hidden from the eyes of other admirers.

It was a Friday and I was laying on the couch lazily with my arm over my eyes as beautiful piano music filled the room.

I'm supposed to be at work but since there are no meetings or occasions where attendance and etiquette is needed, I figured that I'd work from home.

My laptop, files and a cool glass of water were on the glass coffee table in front of me.

The door bell rang. I moved my arm a little upwards and looked at the door.

"It's open", I yelled.

The door was pulled open and Victoria walked in.

"Good afternoon, sir", she greeted.

I dropped my arm completely, "I'm not at work so that means today is an off day".

"I'm aware".

"Then why are you all dolled up in your suit?".

"There were some documents I had to finish at work".

"I see", I sat up,"why the sudden visit?".

"Benjamin invited you for an all day party to celebrate his engagement to Christina Mitchell".

I groaned,"Tell him that I'm going to be late".

She sighed,"Mr. Bentley, I understand your fondness of that delivery man but you've got your work to concentrate on. Going to Benjamin's party is going to boost your social status".

"I already sent that millionaire asshole's present in advance. I didn't say that I'm not going. I said tell him that I'll be late so stop nagging me, Tori".

"I'm sorry, sir. I'm just doing my job".


She was silent.

"Then take your job more seriously and stop acting like my mom. I already have enough of such people in my life, I don't need you to join that crazy boat too".


I sighed,"I know that I'm being a little mean but honestly, tell him that I'll be late".

"And if he asks why?".

"You're not obliged to answer him. If he's persistent then make up some story".

"Yes, sir",and with that, she left.

I scoffed. Another set of useless responsibilities labeled important by the people around me has been added on my table. As if I give two fucks about boosting said "social status".

I entered the bakery and went to sit on my usual seat. I was dressed in an expensive suit and I hated that I stood out like a sore thumb but I was heading to Benjamin's immediately after this.

"Hi", Lynn greeted with her usual flirtatious smile,"what would you like to order today?".

"Anything good with a cup of hot chocolate please".

"Sure",she gave a playful curtsy and left.

She came back after a short while and put down a plate of apple pie with the cup of hot chocolate.

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