First action is I run into my bathroom and plug my straightener in. While I wait for it to heat up I rush into my room and browse through my selection. I settled on a red button up flannel, a black tank top and a tight pair of jeans that will look great with my cowboy boots.

Without over thinking my clothing I throw them on and slip into the bathroom. Quickly I touch up my already straightened long brown hair and apply the lightest of makeup. When I'm finished I step back to inspect myself.

My bright green eyes stare back at me. I went with a little darker shades of eye shadow and I got the smoky look I was going for. I run my fingers through my hair, spray on some body spray and walk down the stairs.

My parents were sitting in the family room watching tv. Still living with my parents wasn't something I wanted, but I was saving for a down payment on a house. Living rent free with them was my best option on a teachers salary.

"Didn't even hear you come in." I tell them.

"We just walked in the door," my mom informs me.

I check the clock and see I'm five minutes behind.

"I've got to go."

"Where are you going?" My dad asks.

"I'm meeting up with some friends at the barn and from there we are heading out for drinks." Before they can ask, I give them the answer. "And no I don't know when I will be getting home. I have my phone on me if you need me."

"Okay hunny! Have fun." My mom tells me.

As I head towards the front door I yell. "Bye! Love you!"

"Love you too!" They both yell back.

I open my phone to send Alex a quick message letting her know I'm a bit behind and discover I have a missed call from Dimitri. He called me about fifteen minutes ago. I contemplate calling him back or not. Yet in the end I decide to send him a text instead.

Hey sorry I missed your call! I was getting ready! Have fun at the show tonight. Love you!

Almost immediately after I hit send my phone starts to ring.

Thinking Alex is calling I answer without looking at the caller id. "Sorry I'm running a little behind. Traffic was worse than I thought. I should be there soon." I tell her all in a rush.

"As much as I wish you really were almost here I have a feeling you thought someone else was calling." I hear Dimitri's voice from the other end of the phone and my stomach flutters with butterflies. Never expected he would be calling me.

"Sorry! Yeah. I'm running late to meet up with everyone." Carefully, I back out of my driveway and head to the barn. "Didn't expect you to text me back so soon let alone call. Show not start yet?"

"No, it did. The opening acts are still on the stage. I just wanted to hear your voice today. I miss you."

"Have you been drinking?"

"I only had one small glass of Scotch."



"Nothing. I miss you to." I say hoping to change the subject.

I hear someone calling his name. "I have to go they are looking for me."

"Have a great show!"

"Love you beautiful."

"Love you to!"

He hangs up. Damn these butterflies I always get when he calls me beautiful.

Around the time he hangs up I'm pulling up the barns drive way. I park my car, get out and head into the club house when I see no one standing outside.

When I enter I discover Alex and her boyfriend Travis sitting in the booth. Along with Vanessa and someone I don't recognize. Rylan has his back to me sitting in a chair he pulled up.

"Sorry guys! Didn't mean to make everyone wait."

"No big deal." Alex reassures me. "Rylan just got here."

"Yeah but he's always late." I laugh when he glares at me.

"No I just get to places at the exact time I want to. I can't help it if the time isn't the same as everyone else."

"Now that everyone is here. Let's go." Travis directs us as he tries to push Alex out of the booth. They make an interesting couple.

Vanessa and the stranger scoot off their seat.

"Sorry Skylar have you ever meet my friend Keith?" Alex asks me.

"Not till today." I extend my hand. "Hi I'm Skylar."

He shakes my hand. "Keith." He drops my hand quickly.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready for that alcohol I was promised."

We start out the door and into the parking lot.

(Lovely readers please don't forgot to add comments! Feedback is always welcomed! And if you are enjoying this story don't forget to like it and follow me! This way you know when new chapters are being added and when I start another new story!)

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