Hadrian: Before

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James Potter lay on his bed in Potter Manor. His Hestia, savior of the wizarding world. 'A larger than usual magic core,' Albus had said. 'It must be from her mother's sacrifice.' Lily.... James wanted his wife back. His daughter was the spitting image of him. Raven hair, muddy brown eyes, Lily had been certain she would need glasses. Hadrian, his son looked more like her. He had red highlights in his jet black hair, and eyes greener than Lily herself. Harry had been doing so well... he hadn't made a peep. Wait. Last time he saw Harry was when Albus said Harry had a rather small magic core. 'Take good care of him. Make sure he does not grow jealous of his sister. She will need his love and support.' James apperated to the hollow immediately. Harry was knocked out in his crib covered by debris, cuts and bruises littering his body. That was two days after the attack. Harry's magic core was the only reason he was still alive. It was also almost non-existing afterwards.


It was Hestia's fourth birthday! Hadrian's too. Hestia had many presents. She even got a small broom custom tailored to her. Harry got two presents. A water bottle that never ran out of water from his godfather, Remus Lupin, and a fairytale book from his grandmother. He understood that it was hard for his father to look at him. He knew he looked to much like his mother for his own good. That was why he chose exploring the manor over going to the party. At the end of a hallway on the second floor, he came to a door with some writing on it. Before he could open it, there were screams. "Already doing accidental magic!" Was the loudest one. His sister has actually done her first act of accidental magic a month ago. Harry had never done anything slightly magical. He knew some of the house elves thought he was a squib. Sighing, he opened the door. There were a lot of books on shelves and a fresh pot of lilies. His mother's name was Lily, maybe this was her office. It did look a bit like his dad's. Just then there was a cough. Turning around, James looked angry. "Who gave you permission to skip your sister's party. Get out of this room. I can't stand you anymore. Tomorrow my mother will take you to the cottage. Now go to your room." Hadrian went without dinner that night.


It was three months since Harry had moved into Godric's Hollow. Grammy was really fun to be around. Every night she read him to sleep. His chore was to water the plants and fold the clothes. Grammy said she had to do the same chores when she was little. His Grammy was the best. This morning they were going to meet some people called the 'Longbottem's. Hadrian thought it was a funny name. He ran into Grammy's room and... she didn't wake up. Dorea Potter nee Black was dead. James Potter hadn't responded for a week. Hadrian needed help. The upstairs of the house was still in ruins, there was almost no food left, Hadrian was all alone. And it truly seemed like his birthday and three months after was cursed. His only fifth birthday present was being turned into a werewolf. It was so painful, and yet he was grateful. The werewolf magic plus his own gave him enough magical energy to do his first accidental magic. His accidental magic stopped him from falling off this side of the broken upstairs. And thee months after his fifth? He turned a girl his age. Becoming an alpha and naming her beta, they repaired the upstairs and worked together to survive. Between his plans and knowledge, and her wacky inventions, it was not till Hadrian and Hestia's eleventh birthday the trouble returned.

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