Chapter 1

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"Another failed relationship. Why should I be surprised Renegade?"

If only Renegade could actually answer me. He is the best listener I know, but not exactly the best at giving advice. Science has yet to discover a way for us to communicate effectively. Though, his inability to talk back is refreshing.

After I drop the body brush into the bucket, I return to Renegade. As though he senses I need comfort he swings his head to me and nudges my shoulder.

In return I wrap my arms around his sleek neck, "You may not be able to verbalize, but I swear you can understand every word I say."

The only answer I receive is him stomping his foot and swishing his tail. The tears can no longer be contained and fall as I burry my face into his neck.

Why am I allowing myself to cry over Ken? We were only together for a month. Not like we were planning a future together.

"Come on Skylar. We are burning daylight!" Vanessa yells to me from the front of the barn. She already has Corona tacked up and ready to go. "We both aren't playing hooky from work to just stay at the barn all day. Let's go!" I watch her dark head of hair disappear out the door.

Reluctantly, I pull my arms from around Renegade's neck and stare from his still bare back to the saddle on the ground. I think I need to train Renegade to saddle himself. He shakes his head no, almost like he can read my thoughts.

"Come on boy." I pat him on the neck. "Sure, would make my life easier!" An even better idea comes to me. "Next, I can train you to muck your own stall!"

He drops his head and his eyes start to droop close.

"Yeah that's what I thought." Continuing with my task I place the blanket and saddle on his back. The only acknowledgement he offers is when he lets out a snort as I tighten the girth. Once done I unclip him from the cross ties and slip on his bridle.

He is now all ready to go. At times it seems he takes longer to get ready than myself. I walk him down the barn aisle and out the door.

Vanessa is already mounted in her saddle when I join her outside.

"About time!" She yells down to me.

Ignoring her, I lead Renegade over to the mounting block. I flip the reigns over his head and check to make sure the saddle is tight enough. Once Im satisfied I put my left foot in the stirrup and swing my leg over.

Maneuvering him next to Corona I tell her. "Let's go."

The horses take off at a brisk pace. Happy to be riding outside rather than the arena. We ride over to the trail.

"So, spill and I won't take nothing for an answer," Vanessa demands of me.

"He said he's not ready for a relationship. That he's still not completely over his ex."

"What a jerk. He should have thought about that before he asked you out."

"He didn't know he would have these hang ups at the time." Renegade starts to prance as though he has grown bored with the conversation. I pat him on the neck to calm him, "Easy buddy. We are almost to the spot I can let you run."

He snorts his displeasure. Which causes me I to laugh and Vanessa joins in.

Corona starts to tug at her bit. She too is ready to run.

We make the final turn on the path and see no one in front of us. I barely have to signal Renegade and he takes off at a gallop.

I love the feeling of letting him run. The wind in your hair and the rhythmic movement of their strides. No better feeling in the world. Okay maybe sex might be slightly better.

My Best Friend the Rockstar (Book 1 Steel Wolf Collection)Where stories live. Discover now