26. Final Decision

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Jisung was awakened early that morning by the nurses. He is taken to an all white room with a desk.

One of the head nurses walks in and he takes his seat. He had been expecting this. He was about to take the hardest test of his life, the test that would show if he could return to civilization. The test that would tell if he could go home.

After he was finished, he returned to his room to find a suit waiting for him. It had obviously been stripped of all harmful materials incase Jisung had a meltdown.

Jisung was allowed to ride in Dr. Kim's car on the way to the courthouse. He looked outside at the passing greenery and the blooming flowers. He hadn't been out since his birthday.

"Are you excited Jisung," Dr. Kim's voice draws him out of his thoughts.


"You get to go home today," the doctor says enthusiastically. Jisung knew that wasn't true. There was a fifty percent chance that he wouldn't go home.

The pair sat through the meeting in silence, listening closely. Jisung was cuffed incase something bad happened. The younger looked over to his left to see Jeno and Jaemin looking at him with obvious distaste.

"Finally, we have come to a decision," the judge says. Jisung perks up.

"Park Jisung, you have failed." Jisung could hear the sound of his heart breaking.

"Your test results deemed you unfit to return to society. You will be put in confinement and removed from Dr. Kim's patient list. We believe your therapist has caused more harm than good."

Tears fill Jisung's eyes as he looks desperately over to his mother who was sobbing. He looks at Dr. Kim, waiting for him to say something but no words leave the doctor's mouth.

Two guards grab Jisung's arms. He doesn't go willingly this time, he fights. He pushes his chair back, hitting the guards away with his elbows. With them distracted he runs towards the door, opening it.

He runs out through the courthouse, trying to make it to the door before they caught him. He couldn't be in the institution anymore. He didn't belong there. He needed to go home. He had to go home.

"Jisung Stop," Dr. Kim's voice comes out loud and stern. Jisung doesn't listen, he continues running, the entrance in sight. Tears fell down his cheeks, blurring his vision.

He hits the door hard, fumbling to open it but it wouldn't budge. It had been locked for the building went on a quick lockdown. Jisung pounds on the door, trying to get it to open. He gives up, falling to the ground in a sobbing heap.

He feels someone grab him, cradle him. The sweet smell of flowers fills his nostrils and he knows it's his mother.

"I can't go back mom. I can't. I can't go back. Please don't let me go back. Please make them let me go. Mom I can't do it, I can't go back. Please mom, please," Jisung pleads.

"It'll be ok Jisung, it'll all be alright. Hush my child, everything will be okay," Mrs. Park says, attempting to sooth Jisung. It works partially, his sobbing quiets.

Eventually Jisung is calm enough for the guards to take him. They put him in the back of the truck. He holds his mother's hand all the way back. Dr. Kim refuses to look at the younger, he has failed him.

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