23. Encore

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Jaemin sits in stunned silence. Jisung had left a little while ago to prepare for a dance competition he had.

"Jeno," Jaemin whispers. The older doesn't respond.


"Huh," he asks, sounding dazed.

"It's me Jaemin. Look, we have to get out of here." Terror ran through Jaemin. Any second Jisung could come back.

He looks around, looking for something that could help him out. He spots the shiny blade that helped carve a new wound into him sitting on the table.

Jaemin knew he had to get it. He begins trying to move the chair. Slowly hopping towards the wooden table.

He manages to grab the knife and begins working it through the rope, eventually being able to get himself out. He stands up quickly, making his way over to the light, squinting at the brightness.

He rushes back to Jeno who was slowly becoming more awake. He admires his face for a second, holding it in his hands. He had only been here a week yet he was badly beaten.

Jaemin stands back up, looking around, searching for something that could get them out of here. He finds two keys on a ring laying on the table. Jisung must be really stupid for leaving them out.

He rushes back over to Jeno, unlocking the cuffs. Jeno falls to the ground but slowly begins to move to get up. Jaemin rushes over to Renjun, who was breathing very weakly but had a decent pulse.


"Jeno, are you strong enough to walk," Jaemin asks, looking over at the black haired male. He nods.

"Good because I'm getting you both of out of here."

Jaemin grabs Renjun and the three of them are out of the small prison in seconds. They stumble through the dark. They really didn't know where they were going but they knew they would find civilization eventually.


Jisung steps on stage, getting ready to preform. The music starts and he begins moving, strong and passionate.

Jisung's dancing held such emotion that everyone in the crowd was inthralled. It wasn't very often he danced contemporary.

Though his mind wandered. He began thinking about his plan. Then the faint sound of sirens coming from the distance had him suppressed the slight smirk.

He knew that Jaemin, Jeno and Renjun were on their way to the hospital, there they would turn him in. He was one step ahead of them. He had dropped a letter off at the police station, explaining everything that happened.

He left the knife and keys there purposefully so that they could escape. He had strategically put the right amount of poison in Renjun's dinner so he would die at he hospital.

The sound of the sirens got louder as Jisung danced harder. He wanted to make an effort in his last performance being spectacular.

When he hits his last move applause ripples through the room like great thunder. The police bust in, causing everyone to stop and stare. They walk down the aisle way and Jisung stood there expectantly.

"Park Jisung, you are under arrest for kidnapping and murder," they say as they began cuffing him.

They begin pulling him back down the aisle towards the exit.


"And that's how I got here," Jisung says, telling the conclusion of his tale. He could tell Dr. Kim was in shock.

"Why did you turn yourself in?"

"I turned myself in because I had finished my plan. I had taken everything from Jaemin. I knew eventually he'd come crawling back to me."

Jisung always wondered how Dr. Kim could listen to someone as sick and twisted as him. Jisung was a monster and he knew that. He knew he was vile and evil and disgusting but Dr. Kim still listened to him, every Wednesday.

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