21. Getting caught

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Jaemin and I step into the clearing of the forest. We were getting closer to the hideout.

"You know, I never wanted it to be like this," I say, looking at the back of Jaemin's head. He stills, listening.

"It wasn't supposed to be like this. I was supposed to be normal and in love," I say with a sick chuckle, tears forming in my eyes.

"But you, you didn't make it easy for me. You just had to go and fall in love with everyone. Everyone but me. It's alright though, I knew it would be a matter of time until I made you fall in love with me. I knew you would eventually.
I'll give you all the time you need."


"It was you," Jaemin slowly turns around, horror written all over his face. The tears fall from my eyes as my heart shattered. I was a villain in this sick and twisted tale. All I wanted was love and I was done playing around.

I slowly walk up to Jaemin, carefully, to show him I wasn't the bad guy. I stop a few feet in front of him. He stares back at me with fear in his eyes.

I felt a snap. I grab him quickly, forcing him to the ground, holding my hand over his mouth and nose. He grips onto my arm, struggling to be freed.

I keep eye contact with him, smiling evilly as his eyes roll back and he goes limp. I stand up, hoisting him over my shoulder and we begin the short trek to the hideout.

 𝐩𝐬𝐲𝐜𝐡𝐨 {𝐉𝐚𝐞𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon