24. Love

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"I notice you wear a wedding band," Jisung says, looking at the gold band on Dr. Kim's finger. A shy smile spreads across his face.

"Tell me about them."

"Well, we met in college. He too is a doctor but specializes in medicine instead of the brain. We've been married for almost two years," Dr. Kim explains. I could tell that he was very happy and in love.

Jisung frowned to himself. He wished he knew what true love was, or what it felt like. He wasn't in love with Jaemin and it took him all these years to figure that out.

"Dr. Kim, what does love feel like?" The doctor was obviously not expecting this questions because his eyes went wide.

"Well, love is different for everyone," he begins to explain. Jisung listens intently.

"People say you're in love when you get butterflies and when you stay up late at night thinking about them. You can't wait to see this certain person and when you do, you just feel warm inside. They make you happy, they cheer you up, they make you smile.

It's like this weird feeling in your heart that you don't really notice. You usually realize your in love at a random time. You can't control it either, it just happens and you can't stop it."

Jisung's mind drifts, still catching Dr. Kim's words though. Different memories fill his head, his heart speeds up as they replay like a movie.

"Chenle," Jisung says quietly.

"What did you say Jisung?"

"Chenle. He's my real love. He's all of those things you just described. I-I like Zhong Chenle," Jisung says, a bright smile over taking his features. He feels the foreign feeling of happiness blossom in his chest.

Dr. Kim's face lifts at Jisung's confession. All he wanted was for Jisung to be happy and to experience real love.

Jisung leaves his therapy session happier than ever. He was almost skipping down the halls and happily ate his dinner and medication without any fight.

Maybe things were getting better for him? Maybe the feeling of being a human again was returning? Maybe he could be normal again?

 𝐩𝐬𝐲𝐜𝐡𝐨 {𝐉𝐚𝐞𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠}Where stories live. Discover now