3. Leaving

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"He left at the end of summer. Early August," Jisung says. He brings his knees up to his chest and wraps his arms around his legs.

"What was that day like for you Jisung," Dr. Kim asks, clicking his pen.

I woke up early that day, before the sun rose. I snuck out of the house since my mother didn't like me leaving before she was awake.

Once I'm outside I walk through the yard, towards Jaemin's house. His light was on, meaning he was already getting ready.

He decided to take an early flight. I wish he hasn't. The earlier he leaves, the less time I get to spend with him.

I stare at his window for a few seconds before I finally move.

It finally hits me. Jaemin, my best friend, was leaving today.

What if he finds a new best friend in America? What if he doesn't come back? What if he's different when he comes back? What if he doesn't want to be friends anymore?

I shake my head. No, don't think of that. It's gonna be alright. You and Jaemin are gonna be fine.

I quickly grab my phone out of my pocket and text him. Moments later, his curtains draw back revealing his smiling face. He quickly opens his window.

"What can I do for you this lovely morning Mr. Park," Jaemin asks, mocking a fancy tone.

"How about you let me in," I say with a slight smile.

"Alrighty then. Come around back so my parents won't hear."

I walk towards his backyard, easily hopping over the fence. I've done this so many times, I'm a pro.

Jaemin is fast. He's already in the patio when I get inside the yard.

"You know I could have just, opened the door, right?"

"Well, what's the fun in that," I ask with a slight laugh. He just smiles and shakes his head.

We walk up to his room and I stop in the doorway, frozen. Everything is packed. His bed is bare with nothing but the mattress, his closet is left with only empty hangers, his desk is mostly barren, even his walls seemed empty.

"Wow, your really taking everything," I say in shock.

"Yeah, the family I'm staying with said to bring everything. They said it'd make me feel more at home," he says while marking another box.

"Are you sure you want to do this Jaemin. What if you don't like America. Your stuck there until Christmas," I say, trying to convince him not to leave.

"I'm not going to not like America Ji. I've wanted to live there ever since we went there on vacation last summer."

That was true. For the entire month after he got back he wouldn't shut up about America and how wonderful it was.

"What about English. You don't speak it very well," I counter.

"Wrong. I've been studying," he says in English. It was difficult to understand but I could tell he was good at it.

I huff and cross my arms. Jaemin looks over at me. I quickly look down to the ground.

"Come on Ji. It won't be that bad. It'll fly by. I'll be back before you know it. We can even video chat," he says in a soothing tone.

I don't say anything but I uncross my arms and wipe the angry expression off my face.

We sit around and talk for a little while longer. I mainly just watch him pack. Once it reaches seven and the sun begins to rise I sneak back to my house.

An hour later, I meet the Na's in their driveway and we leave for the airport.

The airport was bustling. Business men and women with fancy clothes rush to catch last minute flights. Families were interacting. Some crying tears of joy and other crying tears of sadness.

We go through security and walk with Jaemin towards his gate. There we sit and wait until they call for the plane to board.

I want to talk to Jaemin. To say something like a goodbye but I can't make the words leave my mouth so I settle for a hug instead.

"I'm going to be here when you get back," I say into his shoulder.

"I'll be back before you know it," he whispers back.

I let go of him and his mother wraps her arms around him.

"Text me when you land," she says.

"I will."

Then he moves to his father. His father doesn't hug him though, just gives him a clap on the back.

"Study hard son. Make me proud."

"I will dad, that's a promise."

With that, he grabs his carry on and walks over to the gate where he give the lady his ticket and walks through the tunnel, not looking back.

We sit there and watch until his plane rushes down the runway. We sit there until his plane is high in the sky. When we finally leave, Jaemin has probably reached the ocean.

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