18: Group Thearpy

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Jisung find Dr. Kim waiting in the hall for him today.

"Good morning Jisung," he says happily. How could someone always be so happy?

"Good morning," Jisung responds in a decently cheery voice.

"You may be wondering why I'm out here and not inside my room. Well, I got clearance from you team to put you through a group therapy session," Dr. Kim explains. Jisung's stomach sinks. Group therapy? They want him to be in a room with others like him? He was going to have to talk about himself?

He nods to the doctor, telling him it was okay. Dr. Kim smiles widely and they begin walking through the halls. At the end of the hall was an empty room with chairs set in a circle.

The two walk in and everyone turns to look at them. They didn't look like normal people. They looked tired with sunken eyes, pale from the lack of sun and there was an evil glint in their eyes. Jisung didn't belong here. He wasn't like them.

"Good morning everyone! I have decided that Jisung should be joining us today." Jisung waves shyly at the group while everyone welcomes him.

"Go join them Jisung, they won't hurt you," Dr. Kim says softly to the boy. That's what Jisung felt like right now, a boy. A small child who needed his mother. He needed to go home.

Slowly he walks over to an open seat, sitting down next to a middle age woman who looked upset about something.

Everyone was staring at Jisung, waiting for him to speak. He rubs his hands on his pants, avoiding as much eye contact as possible.

"So this one doesn't like talking," a gruff voice says from across the circle. Jisung looks up to see a rough looking man with blood shot eyes. The younger didn't know what it was about this man but he terrified him.

"Go ahead Jisung, introduce yourself," Dr. Kim coaxes. Jisung takes a few moments clearing his throat, trying to gather himself.

"Come on kid, we don't have time to waste," the man across from him says.

"M-my name is Park Jisung, I'm seventeen, and I've been in here for-,"

He looks at his therapist for help.

"Nine months."

"I've been here for nine months," Jisung repeats.

"What are you in here for," the woman next to him asks.

"I, uh, I kill people," Jisung says quietly.

"Speak up kid."

"I kill people," he says louder so the man can hear him.

"Oh, we've got another psychopath," the man says crossing his arms and leaning back. "Who'd you kill?"

"My friends."

The man looked amused at Jisung, like he was a play toy.

"Oh, you're quite interesting Park. Why'd you do it? Other than being completely bonkers."

Jisung twitches. He hated when people called him crazy or insane or any word relating to it. He wasn't crazy, he was just a little abnormal.

"Someone needed to be taught a lesson," Jisung says gaining confidence. Jaemin needed to be taught a lesson.

"What's the real reason," the man asks, looking Jisung right in the eyes.

"Jisung has OLD or Obsessive Love Disorder. He had a very deep obsession with someone whom he loved," Dr. Kim explains to the man.

"Ha! I knew it! You're just another love obsessed teenager who thinks rules don't apply to them. You probably aren't even a psychopath," the man says with a sly smile.

This sets Jisung off. Before anyone can register anything, he's out of his seat, running over towards the man. He wraps both of his hands around the man's neck, holding tightly.

"I'll show you psycho," Jisung says through clenched teeth, staring the man right in the eyes.

"Jisung, stop!" Dr. Kim's stern voice comes through Jisung's ears but he doesn't really hear it, he was more focused on the light leaving the man's eyes.

Jisung feels his arms being pulled away and he hears the sound of the door bursting open. He feels a sting in his arm and his body slowly growing heavier. He loses consciousness.

He wakes up in his room. He tries to sit up but fails to do so. He looks down to find himself restrained. The door opens and Dr. Kim steps in.

"Why'd you do it Jisung," he asks, anger in his tone. Jisung already regrets his decision seeing the look on Dr. Kim's face.

"I blacked out. I wasn't thinking or feeling. That guy just really tipped me off."

"Jisung, you can't strangle people when they tip you off! Jisung, I thought we were making progress and working through this," Dr. Kim says and his tone grows softer as he continues.

Jisung remains silent. He knew that saying he was sorry wouldn't help the current situation.

"You'll be restrained until tomorrow and will be on strict watch for the next week. No more going outside, you go straight where the nurses tell you." Jisung nods in understanding. The therapist leaves the room and Jisung feels the guilt build up in his chest.

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