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"Why did Penny want Ally!?" Jughead shouted for the fiftieth time.

"No comment" The guy spat, pinned against the chair by Sweet Pea and Reggie.

Jughead wiped his face with his sleeve and punched him in the face harshly, signalling the chair to tilt slightly.

"You're going to tell me why Penny wanted Ally, or I will personally carve out your ghoulie tattoo from yours and your friends neck" He threatened, venom laced in his words as he leant down with his pocket knife pointing towards the guys neck.

"Okay- she needed her because she was going to kill FP" He said, but everyone could tell he was lying by the slight twitch in his eye and the terrible acting skills.

"Lies" Jughead said, pressing the sharp edge of his pocket knife against the ghoulies skin.

"Don't tell him, Jonah" The other one said, blood dripping from his nose as he spoke.

We all gave the other one death glares, so did Jonah.

"I would if I were you Jonah. I mean, that is if you want to keep this bad boy" Jughead taunted, sliding his knife over Jonah's neck.

He gulped and gave his accomplice the side eye, tilting his head to basically say 'I'm giving in'

"Jonah-" the other one started, but Fangs shut him up by punching him in the face with ease. This time, he was down and had blacked out.

"Really?" Sweet Pea laughed.

Fangs just shrugged and looked back to Jonah.

"Okay! She was planning on making a strip club!" He gave in, slumping down in defeat.

"And? That's not illegal? What was the catch?" Jughead pushed, holding the knife up to Jonah's cheek.

His eyes flashed over to me and back to Jughead. He shook his head but Jug pushed the edge into his cheek, drawing blood.

"They were gonna be hookers, she was gonna manipulate Ally into being her main girl" He said shamefully.

Everyone looked at me and I just raised my brows.

"Why me? I'm sure there's girls that would jump to that opportunity" I scoffed, looking at the others with no hint of sadness in my eyes. Well played, Penny.

"She wanted hustlers. Girls to steal men's money and give it back to her. She thought that you'd be the only person to give her the money because you would have nowhere else to go with it, because you were trapped"

"1-0 to Penny, huh" I laughed, beyond being upset by this point.

At least it wasn't as bad as I'd thought, I mean it is terrible, but I'd been thinking of much worse in my head.

"There's more, I can tell" Jughead pushed, folding his muscular arms.


"Huh?" Jug leant down, placing the knife back against Jonah's skin.

His eyes were filled with fear, we've clearly chosen the right ghoulie for the job.

"Okay! She was using fizzle rocks to manipulate Ally into being with Malachi. Ally-" He addressed me, but Jughead grabbed his face and pulled his gaze from mine.

"Don't you look at my sister, ever. You fucking pig" Jughead shouted.

"Okay, but I have something extremely important to say now. I wasn't going to say it, but even I think Penny went too far with this" He gulped, beads of sweat pouring over his brow as he looked up at Sweet Pea, who had walked around to face Jonah head on.

"What?" He growled, clenching his fists.

"Can I please look at her when I say it? You have to know that I'm just the computer guy, all I do is hack into systems-"

"Yeah, nobody asked. Why do you need to look at her?" Sweet Pea seethed, standing in between Jonah and I.

Well this all got extremely dramatic very quickly.

"Just let him, it's not like he's going to hurt me is it?" I said, my patience running thin.

They all looked at each other, nodded and stood out of the way.

"Alana, I'm so sorry" Jonah said, all of us adoring very confused faces as he spoke.

"What?" I spat, just because he was only the computer guy, didn't mean I liked him. No, I still despised every bone in his pathetic body.

"Penny wanted to get to New York, cheap. She knows gangs there that were going to help her with the club. All she needed was a way to get there. That's where you came in" he stopped but I nodded for him to continue.

"She manipulated you into being with Malachi for a reason. You're- Alana you're pregnant"

I laughed immediately, but Sweet Pea wasn't amused. He grabbed Jonah by the neck and choked him.

"Don't make shit up like that you cunt, my girlfriend is not fucking pregnant" He growled, in the angriest tone I'd ever heard him utter.

"Sweet Pea, I'm not pregnant" I said, trying to pry him away.

Jonah gasped for air once Sweets had let go.

"Yo- you are. She secretly had you do a blood test when you'd had too many fizzle rocks, they made you sleep so heavy and you didn't even know they'd done it" He said, immediately receiving a punch to the face from Jughead.

This time, he was also knocked out and we were left with a deafening silence.

I can't be. I've had no signs. But then again, it's only been six weeks. I thought I was just late due to stress or malnourishment or something. Why me? Why always me? I know that's a cliche question, but I think it's fair enough now.

I just stood there in shock, my eyes fixated on Sweet Pea. He walked towards me but I couldn't even comprehend the situation. I can't be. Like, I can't be. Can I?

I didn't even blink when Sweet Pea leant down to my height. It wasn't until his hand touched my skin that I was snapped into reality. My head shot up to meet his eyes but my legs instantly buckled and I fell to the floor in shock.

"I can't be-"

"Ssshh" Sweet Pea soothed, kneeling down with my frozen body in his arms.

I couldn't even cry I was so shocked.

What the fuck?

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