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we sat next to each other, scoffing down the delicious food.

i leant against his shoulder, him rubbing mine with his palms lovingly.

suddenly a whole load of emotion came over me, reminiscing on: our past, midge, the ghoulies, martin...

my eyes poured with tears, my mouth let numerous sobs escape pathetically. i can't believe i'd already gone against my no crying promise.

"woah babe what's wrong" sweet pea asked, cupping my cheek and wiping my tears.

"i'm so sorry" i cried even more, the tears like a waterfall over my scarred cheeks.

"no no no, why are you sorry? it's me that left you" he sighed, pulling me in and resting his chin on my head.

"i just ruined everything- there isn't even a serpent gang anymore we have nothing"

"this was not your fault at all. at all. okay?" he said, i tried to look down but he pulled my chin up and kissed me.

i nodded once we'd pulled away and wiped my tears away.

"come on let's get ready for school"


i sat in maths, tapping my pen over the tabletop, earning some annoyed glances from my peers.

i caught a glare from reggie, who bit his lip and winked "playfully". i replied with a middle finger which i don't think he appreciated.

jughead was too busy with his headphones to even notice my presence. varchie were snuggling in the back corner whilst betty studied hard in the front of the class, meanwhile i was just tapping my pen away.

i was allowed to leave five minutes early to escape the heavy crowds harming my ankle, and i took that opportunity to make my way to the serpent hangout.

i perched on the desk that jug usually sits at and waited for the others to show up. one by one more serpents entered.

i went back over to sweet pea and he pulled me up to the seat next to him.

"this is your principal speaking. due to overcrowding, all new students from southside will be transferred to another school in the area" he started.

"that is all"

my face dropped and my head found my hands.

"how will i deal without you all?" i sighed.

"we aren't going, they can't blame the school being trashed on us" sweet pea spat.

"well you did do it sweets" jughead smiled sarcastically.

"guys can we just calm it, this isn't helping and i have a physiotherapy session to get to i don't want to leave knowing that you'll kill each other" i laughed.

"okay good luck babe" sweet pea kissed my forehead and i hobbled out of the school finding fp.

i hopped onto his bike and he sped away to the therapist.


i took a deep breath, fp only five meters away from me. my shaking hands left the railings and i began to hobble towards him. it started to feel less painful, and the smile on his face grew as he watched me walked perfectly fine. 

when i got closer to him i basically fell into his body with relief. his arms wrapped tightly around my small frame happily.

"well done miss mason" my therapist enthused, proud of my progress.

"it's miss jones now, if that's okay?" i asked the therapist, but it was actually directed at fp.

i glanced over happily and he nodded proudly, and i swear i could see his eyes going glassy.

"oh of course" he nodded, going to change the records.

"i was going to ask you sooner... i didn't know how" i said shyly.

"that was perfect, and i'd love for you to change your name to jones" he smiled, pulling me into a hug.

"you are my family you know? always have been, you mean so much more to me than my biological family will ever mean" i smiled into the hug.

"you too hun, always" he smiled, wrapping an arm around my shoulder as we walked away.

i didn't need the crutches anymore and they took off my cast, which hurt like a bitch.

we rode home on the bike and sweet pea, fangs and jug were waiting for us on the sofa.

"hey ally how did it go?" jug asked taking a swig of beer.

"yeah good, i don't need my crutches but the doctor said it might hurt sometimes" i smiled.

"so basically you'll begging for piggy back rides now" sweet pea smirked.

"maybe" i giggled, hopping onto his knee.

he rubbed circles into my back, and messed around with my hair as we watched movies together all night. they all ended up crashing on the sofa, leaving me and sweet to push the two single beds together and snuggling up.

everything was perfect. well so we thought anyway.

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