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I got changed into the clothes, Malachi watching me from the bed with a grin. She gave me a high necked black crop top, that covered my serpent tattoo yet showed off my ghoulies one. The other items consisted of a black denim skirt with some fishnets and chunky boots. I actually really loved the outfit, however it was about now that I really wanted my serpent jacket. The last time I wore it was when I fell out with Jughead, and I never even got it back.

I left my hair down, as it was quite messy but looked really good. When I was fully ready, we both left the room and made our way into the bar area. It was like last night had never happened, as Malachi never mentioned it. However when we both reached the room, his hand snaked around my waist and rested over my hipbone lazily.

Penny took her position in the centre of the room and began to give the whole gang a lecture.

"So, how are you all liking the new place?" She asked, opening her arms and spinning around to show off the space.

There was a chorus of cheering and a few more muscular men raised their glasses triumphantly.

"Today, we have caught another gang, and we're going to confront them. I'll be needing Malachi, to get a few of your strongest men together and of course bring dipper along too" She smirked, nodding as she downed the contents of her cup.

"Let's rock and roll" She grinned, and began to walk towards the door, where Malachi grabbed my hand to follow him.

"Where are we going?" I asked curiously, wanting to know who the gang were going to be terrorising.

"No idea, but it sounds fun so we're going" Malachi nodded, still keeping his hand clamped around mine.

As soon as the fresh air hit my face I felt more alive than ever. This is the first time I've left the building since I got here. I went in with blonde hair and a size eight figure, and now I'm leaving with an extra tattoo, pink hair and a size four figure. It hasn't been the best of times, but feeling the cool air against my skin was worth the wait.

He pulled me onto the back of his bike and off we went, following Penny Peabody to the mystery destination. I didn't even care that the cold was making me shiver, as it felt nice to have the wind brushing through my hair. The only thing that I didn't like was the disgusting tattoo that could not be covered by any of my current clothing.

My confusion began to grow when we reached a sign for the Northside. Who were we meeting? There's no gangs in the north side. There's no gangs at all in Riverdale apart from the ghoulies and the... The serpents, were meeting the serpents. I don't know whether to be relieved or scared to come face to face with my old family. I still don't know whether they abandoned me yet, as I never heard of any of them trying to get me back however, I never argued with any of them, so we didn't end on bad terms.

We came to a clearing in the woods, and before long I was practically dragged away by two ghoulies and shoved inside some kind of abandoned caravan thing. It was all rather bizarre, and I couldn't quite understand what was occurring.

"Stay here until we come get you" One of them ordered.

I just nodded helplessly, and they slammed the door shut when they left the caravan.

My curiosity got the better of me when I heard more rumbles of motorcycles pulling up to the site, and I poked my head slightly over the window to have a good look. To my surprise, it was all of my friends, Sweet Pea, Fangs, Toni, Jughead, Cheryl... even FP was here.

I watched as they all bargained, or argued at some points, and before long the two men came towards the caravan. They swung open the door and this time they didn't grab me, but just motioned for me to come out. It was like they were testing me, but it was a test that I would win hopefully. I was definitely making a run for it, as it was my only chance at this point.

Once I came out, a few shocked gasps escaped the lips of the Serpents, and I couldn't help but feel a pang if guilt rush over my chest. I couldn't even look Pea in the eyes after what I did with Malachi.

When I was a safe distance from the two muscular men, I ran like my life depended on it towards the other gang. However, when I reached the closest serpent, who happened to be Cheryl, she pushed me back and I landed on the ground with a thud.

I looked up at them all with a shocked expression, and none of them were hinting any signs of remorse.

"D-Dad?" I croaked, looking up at my dad sadly.

The familiar noise of Penny's laughter echoed through the forest, before I was ragged up by my hair and stood before my dad.

"You're a ghoulie now, you've even got the tattoo to prove it" He said with so much venom in his words that it scared me.

"No dad, they made me get it" I cried.

I thought that I could be strong but it wasn't working, and now what's going to happen when I go back to the Wyrm after trying to escape?

"Sweet Pea, please" I begged, but he looked down.

What were they doing? Is this some sick trick to fool Peabody? I could only hope that it was, because they really were breaking my heart.

"Wow. I can't believe this. I hope for your sake that this is just some deception shit because being abandoned by your own family, well that is shitty" Penny called over, strutting towards us.

"Is this serious? Jug?" I asked, and Jughead just looked down like Sweet Lea did.

"You even look like her now" Cheryl said blankly, pointing to my hair.

"I can't believe this" I mumbled.

"Believe it, babe. They don't want you, you're clearly better with us anyway" Malachi grinned, snaking his arm around my waist, and kissing the side of my head.

My heart dropped when I saw Sweet Pea clench his fist and jaw angrily, but why was he so angered if he wasn't even going to fight to get me back?

"You can keep her" Sweet Pea growled.

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