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Weeks went by. I have done nothing but mope around the trailer like a silly little depressed girl. Which is what I happened to be really. I have really fucked up with the Sweet Pea thing, looking back at what I said to him made me realise that I was so stupid. One minute I was telling him to fuck off them the next I was begging him to stay with me.

"You need to go to school, we have SATs soon and you have to pass them" Jug commented, sitting on my bed.

"I don't want to pass them, I'll get a job at pops" I sighed.

"Then I'll make sure Veronica doesn't give you one, she owns it now remember" He retorted with a smile.

"Then I'll work for Hiram, I'm sure he'll need some delinquent teens to do his dirty work for him. Maybe I'll get locked up and get free food" I joked, which was the first time in weeks that I'd smiled genuinely.

"Right, I'm fed up of this. Come on" He said, pulling me up.

"Where are we going?" I huffed.

"You're going to the doctor to get some kind of antidepressant medicine or something" He said sadly, with a serious face.

"I'm not depressed Jughead" I lied, but was trying to convince myself more than him.

"That's a lie, come on" He nodded, and I rolled my eyes.

I got changed quickly before jumping on his bike. Feeling the fresh air through my hair felt amazing, however the destination wasn't my favourite.

When we got there I was obviously diagnosed with anxiety and depression, something I was trying to avoid at all costs. I don't want it to be an excuse, and now I know it will always be looming over me like a constant shadow. They said that I should go back to school because apparently Riverdale High has a great councillor, sounds like shit to me but I may as well try it. They said that I had most likely had it for a while, due to my situation. They said that the stupid tablets will help me, but I don't think some white pills in an orange tube can cure a broken heart and a broken past. Sounds extremely dramatic I know, but it's true.

I met Jughead outside, and jumped back onto his bike.

"What did they say?" He asked.

"What do you think?" I huffed.

"That you're absolutely perfect and you're the happiest person alive?" He joked.

"Something like that" I rolled my eyes, shaking the two orange tubes in his face.

"Ah happy pills, can we share?" He chuckled, and got ready to set off.

When he started going in the opposite direction though I started to get suspicious as to where we were heading.

"Jughead where are we going?" I asked.

"School" He shrugged.

"What? No! Pleaseee" I whined, head butting his back.

"Well that's where I'm going, you can walk home if you like" He added.


When we got there I tried so hard to sink in, but with the pink hair, the nose ring, and the fact that the serpent jacket was no longer stuck to my back made eyes shoot my way.

I slumped around the school all day, waiting until break to find a spot by myself where I hopefully would not be bothered.

However, to get to the said spot I had to pass the serpents table much to my dismay. They all watched me as I passed them. As I wasn't prepared for school, I had a black denim skirt and tights in with a plain black vest. Unlucky for me, it showed off the bruise that Sweet Pea left from when he grabbed my wrist. He must have forgotten that I bruise like a peach.

When he saw me, I noticed his eyes shoot straight down to my wrist and our gazes caught for a moment. His saddened eyes met mine, and I let him the most unconvincing smile I'd ever mustered before leaving to sit outside.

Slumping onto a bench, I pulled out my headphones and shoved them into my ears. I may have changed profusely, but my taste in music hadn't changed, so the familiar sounds of panic at the disco echoed through my ears.

I stared into space, picturing Sweet Peas saddened eyes as he watched me walk out. What has actually happened to me? This really isn't me at all. I pulled the stupid pills out and unscrewed the cap, taking two in my hand and popping them in my mouth, before grabbing my bottle and popping open the lid.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed my wrist gently, stopping me from taking a sip. They also pulled out my earphones to reveal their voice.

"What are you doing?" I heard a sigh from behind me, and turned to see the saddened eyes of Sweet Pea staring at me again.

"I have to" I nodded, pulling the bottle to my mouth and swallowing the tablets.

"What are they Ally?" He asked, sitting down next to me.

"Do you want the truth or shall I just say tic-tacs?" I giggled lightly.

"I was hoping you'd say tic-tacs, but no I want to know the truth" He said.

I went into my bag and passed him the two tubes of pills and he just stared at them.

"Why?" He asked, knowing exactly what they were.

"It's been a long few years" I replied, giving him a sad smile.

He passed them back before pulling something out of his pocket also, showing me an identical tube of anti-depressants to mine. My head shot up to look into his eyes, and he just blinked emotionlessly.

"Looks like we're in the same boat" He nodded, shaking the tube so the pills rattled around.

I let out a small giggle and he let out a chuckle. Just being around him was boosting my mood, which shows how much I need him.

"We're only teenagers, why are we living like this?" I asked.

"I wish I knew" He huffed, leaving us with the burning question.

The only thing that we both knew for sure is that we had the same desire to just reach over and be together again.

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