Neglected History

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The strange potion Beedle had burdened you with didn't actually have any use to you, but, coincidentally, a trio of brothers who were on an expedition got it off your hands. However, now you had something else to deal with. Of course, it was nice for them to repay you by actually paying for your dinner (for you and Vaati both), which was generous enough even though you kept insisting that there was no need to.

But to top it all off with wine? Alcohol of all things? Those guys must have loved spending their money...

And here you were now, awkwardly staring at the glass of wine before you.

Honestly, it's not that you didn't like wine; actually, you loved it. But the last time you'd drunk too much, you'd ended up, well... tipsy. And when that happened, you'd tend to say things that would be better kept a secret. Back then, those secrets weren't dangerous as much as they were embarrassing, but now?

You heard Vaati chuckle mockingly from the other side of the table.

"Don't worry, doing something to you while unconscious would be no fun at all."

"I wouldn't let you lay a hand on me in that state, trust me," you responded, almost automatically.

Well, a glass or two won't hurt anybody. They did go through all the trouble for this, after all...

You took your first sip of the wine, its crimson reflection staring back at you from the glass when you put it down. At least it would likely help you sleep better, you thought.

"So." You looked at the young sorcerer before you. "Why exactly do you insist on wandering around Hyrule? And why do you want to know so much about the royal family anyway?"

"That is for me to know and for you to help me with." He had already finished his first glass already. Goddesses, what kind of person was he? "If you decide to pry on my personal matters, I may as well decide to do the same."


"Right. Sorry. Well, just so you know, the royal family isn't exactly very open about its secrets. Plus, even if you wanted to infiltrate the castle, its defenses are tighter than ever before."

He frowned. "Oh? And why is that?"

You blinked a couple times. He didn't know? Oh... well, of course he didn't know. He was obviously not from Hyrule.

"Well... many centuries ago, the Prince of Hyrule, who was supposed to inherit the Triforce, or so I heard, was shocked and filled with rage when his sister, Princess Zelda, inherited it instead. So, he put her to sleep, I think, and when he realized what he'd done, he was so filled with grief that he made it a royal decree that all the princesses born in the royal family should be named Zelda. But in time, the princesses had to earn that name by proving they could hear the voices of the goddesses, or something like that. Only then would they earn the name."

Vaati was silent.

"And well, a few years ago, a princess was born, and she didn't inherit the Triforce, and she apparently couldn't see this 'Kingdom in the Sky' good children are able to see. So, to put it bluntly, she was a failure, basically. So the king and queen had another baby a few years later."

You had already drunk two glasses. So soon...

"Around this time, the first princess disappeared without a trace. The second princess was gifted in a lot of things and she could hear the voices of the goddesses and all that nonsense. So she earned the name Zelda. And like, it's kinda stupid because some people think the first princess was abducted by the Yiga thinking she had the Triforce, others think the royal family disposed of her themselves, or that at such a young age she killed herself in shame. Nobody knows the true story, but even if she had stayed at the castle, she would have just been married off to some random member of the court, or kept as a reminder of something, because according to people, she was the first in history to never have been able to inherit the name of Zelda."

Winds of Desperation - Vaati x Female Reader (BotW AU)Where stories live. Discover now