Journey to Seth-e-Raman

Comenzar desde el principio

At about the time Vasheron was hiring his porters and the wizards were boarding their boat, Gladiverserac Presapornaweev was gliding to a soft landing in Seth-E-Raman's harbor with her passenger safely on her back. She was tired and hungry, but excited at visiting this town, that until now, she had only heard about from rescued sailors or in song.

Chumley found himself excited, yet uneasy. He had been born in Seth-e-Raman and spent most of his youth there, living by the wharf and doing whatever was necessary to survive. He had been at various times, a pickpocket, a saloon keeper, and ultimately a smuggler and black marketeer. He was not proud of his youthful indiscretions, but his family had been poor and needed to eat more than he needed a clear conscience.

He was barely a adult when he left for the north and had never returned. His parents had died in an epidemic and he was their only child to survive to adulthood. He walked through the streets in a nostalgic stupor, good memories and bad colliding on every street corner. Smells and sounds triggered recollections of his youth.

As he guided Gladiverserac toward the town center and the King's palace, a sad smile continuously played across his lips. The albatross remained silent, sensing her friend's melancholy and not wanting to intrude on his thoughts.

When they reached the main gate of the palace grounds, a guard stepped forward and challenged him, nervously eyeing the enormous avian beside him. He explained who he was and though skeptical, the guard sent word to the palace of his arrival. It wasn't long before two officers dressed in full parade ground regalia were sent to escort him to meet King Sigus, ruler of the Lands of Man.

Chumley and Gladiverserac accompanied the soldiers to the entrance of the royal chamber. He was announced and the large inlaid doors were opened. The room was almost empty. A long intricate rug, fifty feet long and five feet wide led from the door to a raised platform which held the golden throne, commissioned by the first Doge and used by all the Doges and kings since.

King Sigus sat on the throne with his arms resting on his lap. He was old, but not ancient, more grandfatherly than kingly, with an ample belly and a long braided white beard, the end of which curled in his lap. A simple gold coronet rested over his proud brown face. He wore a loose silken gown, embroidered with swirls and sea-creatures in gold, green, and red. When the guard left the chamber, only the king and his guests remained. King Sigus stood and walked off the platform, approaching the rat and the albatross. He spread his arms.
"Welcome, Governor Bilgespike, I am glad you could join us."

"Mah pleasure, your 'ighness, if that's appropriate for the circumstances," Chumley motioned to Gladis, "allow me to present mah companion, Gladiverserac Presapornaweev."

Gladis performed a curtsy of sorts. The king smiled and helped the albatross regain her balance. He addressed her kindly.

"We have always honored and cherished your kind, Gladiverserac, albatrosses have long been allies of mariners, and we are a sea-going kingdom."

"For thy kind words, I thank thee, your highness," Gladis said shyly with her head lowered.

The king smiled broadly and directed his two guests to a small table laden with sweets and a variety of fruits. They seated themselves and the king poured tea for the trio. After taking a sip, Sigus addressed Chumley.

"I have received the dire news from Aolas. It is beyond comprehension that someone would slay wizards. What is going on?"

"Ah ain't got all the details, but we think the Deev are responsible," Chumley replied.

"The Deev!?" the king said in shock, "How?"

"As ah said, your highness, ah really don't know. When Vattus arrives, 'e should be able to tell ya more. As for me, the Magus asked me ta try an' find the Guild of Assassins and ah was hopin' ya could point me and mah mate in the right direction."

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