"What's going on?" Sebastian ask.

"Kurt is going to do Music in the Night from Phantom of the Opera, for his Nyada audition and he wants our opinion." He still look confused.

"NYADA is a very elite school for students mainly wanting to end up in broadway, or somewhere in theater." Blaine answered his question he didn't ask. 


Kurt started singing and it was amazing as usual.

"So?" Kurt ask.

"Amazing." Blaine and i said.

"You were great." Sebastian spoke.

"It's just something missing." kurt look around. "I need something dramtic, something... or maybe i just need more candles."

"Oh god no," Blaine said. "No more candles."


It was the day of the callbacks and Kurt did amazing and I love him for being bold and doing it. We waited as it was Rachel's turn. I was sitting next to Finn, I glance over at Carmen Tributo. She would decide if Kurt and Rachel would make it in. I grab my brother's hand as Rachel walk out on that stage with confidence. Rachel hadn't ben rehearsing recently because she knew the song in the back of her hand. She didn't even talk which made it hard to ask her about her prom dress.

"Hi I'm Rachel Berry, and I'll be singing don't rain on my parade from my favorite musical Funny Girl." she said.

The band played and Rachel kick it off. I remember going with finn to see his first sectionals and heard Rachel performing this song. She kick it off really well and then she repeated the line she sang already and stop. She choked. My smile fell and I look at Finn. This wasn't happening. She ask to do it one more time and chock even more.

"Oh god." Finn said.

"This isn't happening." I heard Kurt whisper.

"I'm so sorry." Rachel said losing it. "I know this song backwards." She took a deep breathe. "Okay, please just let me do it one more time. I can start it over-"

"No!" Carmen said making us all look at her.

"Excuse me?" Rachel said walking forward on stage. I could tell she was on the verge of crying.

"You get eight bars, I gave you sixteen. Do you know what happened when you forget the words on broadway?" Carmen said. "They give the job to your understudy. I'm very sorry but this audition is over."

Oh no... 

"No please. Please, please, please, you have to believe me. Please you have to give me one more chance, please." She begged. "Please." Carmen left and Finn let his head fall into his hand.

Poor rachel.

She began to cry. "GO!" I whispered to Finn pushing him up.

Finn got up and went to Rachel. Kurt, Blaine, Mr. Shue and I all walk out. Finn has been over at Rachel's house for the past few days. I covered for him, told mom and dad that Rachel choke and Rachel needs conformity. They understood and let her.

"Hey." I said walking up to Rachel. She didn't look at me. "I wanted to know if you were coming after school to check on your prom dress?"

"Not today." Rachel said shutting her locker.

I nodded and then walk down the hall. Rachel isn't herself and she's falling apart, the only person who's keeping her together is Finn.


"So she just choke?" Sebastian ask.

We were sitting in breadsticks together, we had went to see a movie before and he somehow convince me to go bowling as well.

"Yeah." I pick at my food. "She knows the entire song backwards and forwards. I think it just she hadn't realize how nerve racking it was being on stage in front of Carmen Tibito. The headmaster of NYADA and she determines if they got in or not."

"Can't blame her." He added. "I probably would've choke to if my future was in her hands. But i also understand where Carmen is coming from. How is she holding up?"

"She's a wreck. She's hasn't slept, Finn's checking up on her but she won't even talk about how she feels."

"What about you?" I glance up at him. "How are you holding up?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Princess." he grab my hand. "You do realize that both your brothers are planning to leave to New York. They're graduating and I don't think you've told me that you've talk to them about it."

I look at my plate. "I'm not ready to say goodbye." I spoke softly. "Three years ago I was the one that was away. Now I'm staying home and they're leaving to their future's. How am I supposed to talk to them about that?"

"You just do."

I sighed. "I'm not ready for that yet."

"When the time comes you'll have to." It went silent for a while before he brought up another topic. "So..." i look up at him. "Prom." I let out a chuckled and drop my head. "What?"


"Out of curiosity." He took a sip from his drink. "Who was your date for Prom last year?"

"Blaine and Kurt." I said. "Didn't really have anyone to go with. Finn was with Quinn, Rachel, Mercedes, Sam, and Jesse went together, Santana with Karofsky, Puck with Lauren, Brittany alone, Artie went some of his friends. But we all had to go because Principal Figgins was willing to help pay for Nationals."

"So no competition to out win." He commented. "Guess I'm lucky."

"Well Blaine and Kurt had made it an amazing night." i teased.

"Challenge accepted. So would you let me be your date for Prom?" he leaned closer.

I smiled. "I would love that very much."


This is short but it's okay because the next part is longer. 

Till next time. 

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