29. Chrome Hard Drives

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The one thing I'm certain about that 'Scandal' has taught me regarding threats and blackmailing, is that the only way to success is to actually have evidence. Hard evidence. Whether it's real or falsified, and right now, evidence was what I did not have. If I was going to threaten not only Ashton, but his father, I was going to need something that could actually uphold as leverage. The papers and police reports were basically nonexistent evidence. I don't have access to them, I don't have any accounts of where they are, and it's a suicide if I even take risk setting foot even 100 feet into the parking lot outside Tanners building. I was depending on this threat. It would either make me or kill me, is what I drastically imagined.

Tanners men were finally off my back. My hours were crunched to find any evidence of my life being in danger. It would only take a few of Tanners men to do about 48 hours worth of digging to find out that I was a bluff. I was sure Ashton went back and told his father. I couldn't vouch whether I truly knew if it was out or sheer fear or for his fathers safety. I just knew that I didn't want to know in this moment now. James got returned last night, because I did add along an email demanding that he was brought back or a missing vehicle report would become an ongoing search around the Buck community. I just needed to think... then it hit me.

I got up off the couch and snatched my shoes from the hallway, I yanked my purse and keys off the kitchen island and shuffled to the door, before opening it and slamming it behind me. I had to make it in enough time, or I would be screwed. I paddles down the steps and stepped onto the cold concrete. I searched the lot for my beloved, then spotted him in the near back corner spot, under a tree. I unlocked my door and started James up. I sped around other vehicles going too slow, switching lanes to suddenly that I should've. I hit my breaks and made a sharp turn into the parking lot, swerving James into a spot close to the front of the building. I jumped down and slid on my shoes, before pacing to the entrance door. I opened it and walked inside.

"Hi-how May I— Tanner isn't here, neither is his son," the same hostess from last time replied with a smug on her face.
"I'm not here for them, I need to speak to your manager, now" I slanted my eyes at her.
"Well I don't just call my manager without probable cause," she fake smiled at me.
"Well there's a great cause, If I speak to your manager, we could be done now with this," I tapped the finger.
"Sorry, he's not in today," She tilted her head.
"Right," I nodded my head. I looked over to the opening next to me that led into the dinning area.
"You aren't allowed anywhere in this building without a reservation," she spoke again.
"Well, I guess we'll see about that." I muttered to her, before shoving the podium backwards onto her and running into the dinning area.
"Stop Her !" I heard in the background.
I paced the restaurant, looking for the back double doors, I spotted the kitchen and raced across the room. I shoved through the kitchen and walked until I found a side door, I walked through the corridors and busted into the door that read office. I opened it and abruptly stopped. About 8 men looked up from their seats.
"I'm sorry can we help you?"A blonde man said.
"I need the manager or owner. I had a request that I needed done but the hostess at the front refused me," I answered.
"I can see why," one of them added on, followed by a few chuckles of others.

A man with dark hair and tribal tattoo running up his neck stood up. "Can I help you? Liam, the owner of this establishment," he extended a strong hand.
I took his hand and shook it as firm as I could, ignoring the tingling and adrenaline running through my fingers.
"And what is your name dear?" He asked.
"It's Zaviana, I didn't mean to intrude, I'm so sorry about this," I rambled.
"What is it you're looking for?" He smiles at me.
Just then, the hostess barged in. "Stop that girl, she just barged into her without any reservation and knocked me down! She's probably trying to steal!" She accused.
"I can explain everything, I only did that because she refused to call a manager. I just need help with one small thing," I turned back to Liam.
"She's lying," the hostess gasped.
"Look, I just wanted to take a look at the video reel for a present I'm making my boyfriend," I explained.
"Who's your boyfriend? I mean did you come here  with him or something? I'm not understanding why you're in my restaurant, assaulting my staff," He squinted his eyes at me.
"I came here a few days ago with my boyfriend, Ashton, Ashton Gale." I looked up at Liam.
"Ashton Gale, as in the son of the headmaster Tanner Gale?" He raises a brow.
"Headmaster? But yes, yes. I'm with his son and I wanted to get footage to make a sincere collage of us being together and laughing together." I explained.
"Wow, well me and Tanner go way back, Love the man to death. I'm actually Ashton's godfather, don't why I haven't heard of you yet?" He looked at me with a stark look on his face.
"It's supposed to be a secret for now, It's more of an appearance type of relationship..." I trailed off.
"Now that makes much more sense," the previous blonde man chirped in.
Liam nodded his head, "Ah, I see".
I looked at the floor.
"Well l'll have Karen take you down the surveillance room and I'll have the tech guy Matt reel you the footage you need." He took a seat back in his chair.
"Thank you," I smiled meekly.
I turned my heels to Karen, "show me the way?" I nodded my head and smiled strategically at her.
She clenched her jaw before looking between Liam.
"Really ladies, anytime now, we have a meeting to continue," the blonde chirped in again.
"This way," she rolled her eyes strutting out of the door way down the hall to the right.
We got to end of a dark fancy wood polished door and she propped it open.
A guy with light brown hair and glasses turned in a chair. "What now Karen ?" He immediately snapped before leaning over taking note of my presence.
"My apologies, are you the woman with the FBI coming in to watch the reel for the Russians?"
"The Russians! Oh-oh my gosh! The Russians? Where-where?!" I started looking around frantically, taking more time than I should've looking up and down Karen specifically. She huffed and turned out the doorway. I shut it behind her once were evil presence subsided.
"I'm kidding," Matt the tech guy waved his hands. "You must be here for the Caribbean sex trafficking, had like 4 go missing from the restaurant before they even paid," he shook his head.
"Sex traffi—? Are you sure that's why the disappeared before paying, because...." I titled my head in ponder.
"No, no I'm just messing with you. I know why you're here. We talked on the phone. You're here to de-bomb the bomb plant some Northern Koreans set earlier in the week," he snapped his fingers, turning to his desk pulling out a key.
"There's a bomb in here!" I shouted.
He looked intensely at me, "No, no.... no...," he gave a short laugh before breaking eye contact with me and putting the golden key away. "Okay so how can I help you?"
"I just need a few minutes of some surveillance reel. It's for a gift I'm making my boyfriend. We came here a few days ago with his father and I wanted to get the footage to help commemorate the moment," I gave him a smile.
"Alright, what day was this on?" Matt slid over to a computer that looked more sleek than the one he was already at.
"About a week ago, on Thursday," I replied to him, walking behind him looking at the multiple screens showing people in real time dining, chatting, walking around.
Matt typed into the computer, "About what time? Do you remember?"
"Yeah, like around 9 am I would say," I looked at the screens mesmerized by the constant movement and actions of people who were most likely in no particular special way of acting or presentation, unaware they were being watched. Matt continued to type in the information and a video reel on only the four top row of screens cut off, before changing to the date I gave him.
We looked between the reel waiting to see a clone of my myself. "There!" I pointed at the top left. There I was just approaching the table and seeing Ashton.
"Alright, I can start copying from here, do you want the sound copied as well?" Matt turned over his shoulder and asked.
"There's sound? Wow, uhm yes please! That would be really amazing," I nodded to him.
"Alright, it'll just be a few minutes. He rolled over the other side of the desk area again and open a drawer, revealing a box of all sleek chrome hard drives. He pulled one out as the video uploaded on the screen. He rolled back to the other side, clicking the button "Transfer" after the download completed 100%. He stuck in the chrome hard drive into the usb socket and clicked "continue".
I had it. I had proof now. This video not only reveals the relationship I was forced into, but also the words of Tanner threatening me in person. I felt powerful. I felt like Olivia Pope. I smiled to myself as my stomach finally eased, as I had completed my mission.
"Alright all, done! Here you are," Matt handed me the loaded hard drive in a black sleek envelop.
I took the envelope my hands staring admiringly at it before stuffing into my cross-body.
"Thank you, a lot. You just helped me save my own life," I smiled at Matt.
"It's just a video reel, you're very welcome miss?" He raised and eyebrow.
I paused for a moment. Sparking plugs in my head. "Ms. Harlow." I shook his hand giving him a firm nod. "Also, is it possible you could destroy the footage after this? I wouldn't want him to copy him, I want my gift to be really special and original," I gave a light hearted-laugh.
"Sure, Well it was nice to meet you," Matt smiled.
"You as well," I turned backwards to the door, walking out. Getting away with murder practically . I walked boastfully down the corridors before finding the exit back into the main restaurant. I felt elevated. Immune. Hopeful. This was the only the beginning of it all. We weren't even, I was ahead. I had information from now, not two decades ago. I shot a middle finger up at Karen as I passed her on my way out, pushing on the black screened doors. I took a deep breath in as I inhaled the crisp air. For this first time, I didn't feel like I had freedom or obtained it or earned it... I felt like I owned it.

This been in my drafts for a good little minute. Here you guys go! I finally finished it. Maybe I'm getting my spark back 😌

Don't forget to comment and VOTE!! Comments help me know which type of chapters you guys like more of and can clear up any confusion! Feel free to ask questions, I will get to them! I plan to have this book completed by like mid December! Hope to Enter it into the 2020 Watty's Award ! So Make sure to Vote and Leave Comments ♥️

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