8. 4 Months

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I text Ashton.

Out: Meet me at my dorm in 5.

In: I'll be there

I sighed pacing back and forth playing with my hands. I checked my phone countless of times to pass time.

It was about four past four. He's not coming, I was too emotionless the last time we spoke in his condo. I've ignored all his text and calls. It's been four days. I can totally understand if he thinks I'm inviting him over to be shut down. I heard to two soft knocks and stopped in my tracks. I smoothed out my navy blue top and gingham skirt. I walked to the door and opened it. I was met with a large bouquet of red roses.

"I don't know if you like roses but these had just been picked, I think they're gorgeous. They reminded me of you.. fragile and small, but feisty and beautiful." Ashton rambled peeking from behind the bouquet.

I grabbed the flowers gently from his hands and laid them on the counter. I turned back towards him and jumped into his arms.

He stumbled back slightly, shocked from my actions, as I.

"I thought you wouldn't show," I whispered in the crook of his neck.

"You're crazy then, are you on drugs," he chuckled, embracing my hug.

He set me down and I smoothed out my clothing again.

"I don't fully trust you yet. I don't know if you are able to ignore everyone's opinion, but I'm willing to work this out as friends. Just friends. If it becomes anymore then so be it...but I need time for this all."

He smiled at me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Alright, deal, whatever you want, but how long are we looking at?"

I was shocked. Did he just say deal? Without an input? Or tweak.

"Okay... four months. It's half of eight and eight is a reasonable number from twelve, because twelve months is a long time. And because I read a post once that after liking someone for four months you either fall in love or stop liking them... all for various reasons, but that doesn't actually apply to us because we are friends..." I looked up at him, as I removed his arms from my waist and set them down by his side.

He smirked at me. "Four months it is. I actually have a hockey game tonite... I would love if you could come, you know if your not busy, you know just as friends." He looked at me with humor dancing in his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, I heard about that. I didn't know you played. But sure I'll be there."

"Good, good. I uhm.. need to go get ready and stuff. So I'll see you there. Leona actually comes to every game so you can sit with her."

"She does? She doesn't seem like the sports watching girl."

"Oh! She's not... she just goes to look for players to fuck on the  opposite team." He chuckled.

"Right... well I'll see you there. Good luck."

"Yeah, thanks... friend." He grinned biting his lip, as he let himself out.

I sat down by Leona while my eyes searched the rink for Ashton and Kaiden.

"Looking for your man huh?" Leona slyly smiled at me.

"Oh no, no, we aren't a thing, we're just friends. I made it official tonight, Friends. Just friends."

"Zaviana. Are you fucking kidding me! I'm literally like your best friend and you can't even tell me about you and Ash's fling."

"Leona, why would I lie to you about something I've kept you so update on for the longest..."

"Oh no you didn't! Zaviana what the hell! You turned his sexy ass down --"

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