9. Besties

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Kaiden came over the next morning with flowers after I texted him about his boyfriend.

"Aw, my little soft melty delicious brownie, are you gonna be okay? Are you sure you aren't pregnant?" Kaiden asked with only 2 inches between his nose and mines.

I rolled my eyes. I've been arguing with Kaiden for about 10 minutes that I'm not pregnant. He's convinced I'm faking my knee injury and instead using it as an excuse for morning sickness.

"Kaiden there is absolutely no way I can be pregnant."

"How do you know? What makes you say that?" he says matter-factly

Word vomit moment coming up. Maybe I can avoid saying this in front of Ashton. Whatever just spit it out. The word only.

"I'm a virgin."

His pupils dilated about three times more then they should've, considering his eyes are always big and curious that they always look dilated.

A cup dropped. I looked past Kaiden, then at Ashton, then down to the floor to find orange juice spilled on the floor.

Kaiden composed himself looking at me with a straight face. "Your lying."

"I'm not."

"Yeah too!"

"Yeah, not hoe."

"Yeah, the hoe yes."

"Stop it Kaiden," Ashton's voice was stern.

"Dude, she's totally lying. You know this. Zaviana, sweetie we will love you either way, no matter how many guys your vagina has met, " he put his hands on his heart and fluttered his eyes.

"Kaiden. Leave it alone. Go do some chores. Go to fucking class for a change. It's her off day, not yours. Get out of here your visiting hours are up." Ashton replied bending over, wiping up the remainder liquid on the floor with a paper towel.

Kaiden looked at me with disbelief. "I don't get it... you're so pretty. Who wouldn't wanna smash you and just devour--."

"Bye Kaiden." Ashton interrupted before he finished his sentence.

Ashton came back in the room with a new cup of orange juice. He set it on my nightstand and pulled up my vanity chair by the bed.

"Just ignore what he said. There's nothing wrong with being a virgin. You're younger anyways... keep holding on to it," he spoke to me, as my father did before I left for college.

"Ashton calm down. He was just a bit shocked, you're over here talking like you have so much wisdom and experience, as if your so much older then me," I lightly laughed, picking up the cup of orange juice, taking a sip.

The silence stayed like this after my remark. A smart remark from Ashton didn't come. Nor did an agreement. His eyebrows furrowed together in deep thought.

I looked at him through my cup. He pulled the chair closer to the bed and rested his elbows on the edge, with his hands clasped together. He rested his chin on top of his intertwined hands and closed his eyes inhaling in and out.

"Zaviana. How old do you think I am? And how old are you?"

I dropped the cup this time.

I realized in our time spent we've never gotten to the age discussion. I looked over at him once more taking in his features.. aftershave, shizzled jaw...his eyes had faint, faint slight creases forming underneath them. He did look older, but he's young. The way he dresses and talks. No way he's an old man.

He was on the ground cleaning up orange liquid once again. He threw away the dirty towels in the bathroom bin.

"Zaviana you need to answer me."

"I don't want to. This seems bad. Really bad."

"You're like 20 aren't you?"

I shook my head no. I thought he was the 20-year-old in this situation. Oops. He got up and started pacing my room.

"Shit, fuck," he muttered to himself . "21?"

I shook my head horizontally.


I shook my head vertically.

He pulled at his hair. "Fuck Zaviana! Stop making me play the fucking guessing game. How old are you?"

He was kneeling at the foot of my bed by this point.

Number vomit this time. Only the number Zaviana, you can do this. My stomach cringed at the numbers awaiting inside my mouth to be released.


"What the fuck? No. No. This is wrong. You're like 18 when you graduate high school. No your like 18 at the least. Stop playing games with me Zaviana this isn't funny," he rubbed his face aggressively.

"My birthdays late--"

"Of course it is! Wow, I'm going to fucking jail. I just invited you to a fucking stoner parlay," he got up breathing heavily.

"I don't get it... I thought you were only a sophomore or something," I asked becoming worried now.

"No. No. I'm not a fucking sophomore. What the hell Zaviana. I slept on your couch naked!" he ran his tanned veiny hands through his frizzed, wavy hair.

"What's so bad. It's not like your over 21 or something."

He leaned against my door frame with his head tilted back. Damn. I knew it. Star hockey player going pro. It's probably his last year in college, he's like 26. He really is going to jail then.

I feel so bad. He's not jail material. Look at him, so manipulative and innocent. He's so beautiful, tall, broad shoulders, dark hair, and hazel eyes. Plump lips and perky ass. He's practically livestock inside of there, he won't make. He'll be in a wheelchair for the rest of his life after one shower secession.

"Twenty-two. Twenty fucking two Zaviana. It's only five years but do you see how bad that is? Your not even eighteen.. or twenty-one at the most!"

"Well, I'm sorry you thought I was older. But I'm not. I'll be 18 soon but--"

"When? How soon?"

"It doesn't even matter."

He looked at me through his long dark eyelashes.

"How soon?" he looked at me staring at me through my clothing, not bothering to reach into my soul this time.

"Four months..."

His face gained back some blood and he pushed himself off the wall towards the bed again. He crawled on it towards me from the other end. Laid himself down and pulled me against his side, cradled between his arm and hip.

"Fuck it then. Four months it is," he pecked my temple resting his head on top of mines.

I didn't bother to remind him that these four months are only a friend journey. Deep down... and I don't even mean real deep -- I wanted him too, just as bad.

"You're older... you "know more." Are friends allowed to do this?" My mouth turned up slightly.

He moved his lips from my temple tracing the outline my cheek to my ear. "Only best friends can do this. We're fucking besties."


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