6. Him: Part III

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He slammed her door behind him, leaving buds of sweat from the palm of his hands on her door knob. Kaiden stood on the side with his arms crossed, he didn't say anything he just shook his head and turned walking back to the car.

"Your so stupid Ash, you--," Kaiden began.

"Shut up Kaiden," he interrupted him.

"No, she didn't deserve that. Who cares what our little fake cliche think about you formally knowing some pretty black girl," said Kaiden throwing his hands in the air.

Ashton looked at him and rolled his eyes. "I'm doing what's best for her and you know that so shut up."

"No you're doing what your dad thinks is best for your image," replied Kaiden, "You hate him anyways, since when have you started actually listening to what hell he wants or thinks."

"Since I didn't want to see someone get hurt on my account Kaiden, now stop talking about it."

"Man, whatever. Your dad sucks Kim K's ass and you know it," replied Kaiden leaving out of Ashton's condo back to his own. He pondered,

You did the right thing, Ash. Your father would have demolished her. You know that. He  was going to be the one to mess up her GPA and college experience. I'm not gonna let that happen to her. I care about her, she doesn't deserve that treatment by anyone. Especially not my dad. She deserves to be happy. She can find it in somebody else, just not me. Not here.

But what if you were too hard on her?

If you didn't put it on her hard she'd be right back in your face the next morning with that same smile she puts on when she's excited. I've only seen it about twice considering most of the time I spent with her I just about pissed her off. But it came through every once and awhile.

It hurts me just as bad as her.

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