I can never think of what she's going to do because she'll do the exact opposite. It's unnerving. She has no control at all, she fucking strip in public without a thought to stop a goddamn fight.

I lay her onto her bed gently. This room looks nothing like her. Her personality. The guys made a deal that we can't trust her and should ostracize her. I of course didn't vote. It was a waste of time.

Austin voted against it, but after the Twins heard what Brian said they were butt hurt. And they know how to hold a fucking grudge.

I pulled her pink comforter on to her sleeping body. Now that she was peaceful and up close I could really focus on her features. Not just her flaming red hair or pale skin. But the sprinkle of freckles in her upper cheeks.

How her Cupid's bow was very noticeable and her full pink lips. Her cheek bones and how they framed her heart shaped face.

Eww now I'm acting like one of those gross perverts that I hate. I sighed and went to her computer to turn it off. But something caught my attention.

I thought that she wrote an essay for homework or something but it looks like an email actually. While I was saving it a few words popped out at me. "Bad guy" "fake it till you make it" "hated".

Intrigued I ended up reading a few sentences from her long ass message. It confused me. What the fuck is she talking about.

I growled quietly and shut off her computer and her light. Then I shut her door and we took my room. I changed into some black sweat pants and a black shirt.

Then I headed to the gym.

The sounds of my fist relentlessly hitting the punching bag filled the space. I was sweating and breathing hard. The feel of my fist hitting the flesh of the bag was spectacular.

It cleared my thoughts and let me focus on one thing. I punched it a few times letting the last week replay in my head.

Me and Chris going to the grocery store, which was kind of enjoyable. Shockingly. Then at school how Chris made me fucking chuckle in class. Trying to ruin the Don't fuck with me vibe.

But soon after all hell broke loose. Me hearing the new girl was stripping in the hallway messed me up.

I was so mad that I was shaking. When I saw Chris in only a tank top showing everyone a lot more then they should, I almost ripped the head off of everyone their.

I wanted to so badly it's not even funny. Then she had the audacity to act like nothing happened and I was in the wrong for dragging her out.

But shit, hearing and seeing how she handled the other chick was magnificent. It was unbelievably hot. Then she ended calming me down without even realizing it.

But hearing all the shit said after the incident made my blood fucking boil. Then hearing the shit she said to Brian. Fuck It's all messing with me.

I roared in outrage and punched the bag as hard I as I could. Over and over again.

"Dude, you good?" I turned quickly to see Brian in the doorway. He quickly put his hands up. "Yo dude, calm down. It's just me."

I took a few deep breaths calming myself. Once I wasn't seeing red and could think clearly i felt a pain in my knuckles. Fuck I busted them.

"Dude you have to stop doing that shit all the time. You're going to fuck up your hands." I gave him a look. He's one to talk. Fucking cage fighting.

He rolled his eyes. "Well you should go to bed soon. I know you haven't been sleeping. Like at all." I didn't show a reaction. "Fine be like that. See if I care." He walked out of the gym.

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