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Shawn's POV 1 week later

It was my day to visit Beyoncé and this was the first time I was genuinely excited about it. After seeing the progress that she made last time, I'm hoping that she'll be doing even better today. Skai said that she went yesterday and brought Giselle and everything went well, so things are looking promising.

It was around lunch time so I stopped by Popeyes again and picked up some food for her.

I knocked on her door, "Come in," she said.

When I went into the room, she looked at me and gave me a big smile. She had a glow and that I hadn't seen in what felt like forever.

"Hey," she said.

"Hey, did you eat yet? I brought you Popeyes."

"No, I had faith that you'd come through for me, thank you," she said as she reached out for the food.

"Of course," I said, sitting down. "What've you been up to?"

"I've been journaling...it's one of the techniques that Dr. Washington has been working on with me. And I've also been writing songs...after the past couple weeks in here I've practically written 2 or 3 albums," she said, chuckling.

I smiled, "That's great, Bey, can I hear any of them?"

She flipped open her notebook, "Um yeah, I actually wanted to sing this one to you."

I thought that things like this get better with time
But I still need you, why is that?
You're the only image in my mind
So I still see you... around

I miss you like everyday
Wanna be with you, but you're away
Said I miss you, missing you insane
But if I got with you, could it feel the same?

Words don't ever seem to come out right
But I still mean them, why is that?
It hurts my pride to tell you how I feel
But I still need to, why is that?

I miss you like everyday
Wanna be with you, but you're away
I said I miss you, missing you insane
But if I got with you, could it feel the same?

"That's...amazing, beautiful Beyoncé, but what do you mean by 'if I got with you, could it feel the same?'"

She sighed. "I mean that I miss you....so much, but...would you take me back?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Take you back? Baby, I never left you."

She closed her notebook and set it to the side, "Shawn, I packed a bag, to leave you and the kids. Then, I tried to commit suicide. Then, I threatened to divorce you when I got out of here. And for the next week after that every time you came to visit me I would yell at you and tell you to go away and just be completely awful to you. I'm so sorry. So, will you forgive me? Will you take me back?"

"Bey...can I sit next to you?"

"Please," she nodded.

I got up onto her bed with her and she snuggled up to me. I pulled her close to me and just breathed in her scent for a minute before speaking. I missed this so much.

"Baby, you don't need to apologize for anything. It's not like you were just in your feelings for fun...you had postpartum depression. If anyone should apologize, it's me. I'm sorry for not getting you help sooner, I'm sorry for not fighting harder for you, I'm sorry for not really stepping in until it was almost too late...so the real question is, will you forgive me? Will you take me back? Because I never left you and I never plan on it."

"I forgive you, and I thank you so much for....everything. For saving my life, for forcing me to
come here, for holding it down with the kids for the past couple weeks."

"That's what I'm here for."

"I never had to do hold it down for you like that."

"Bey, you raised Skai on your own for 15 years...you held it down for me."

"Yeah but whose fault was that?"

I chuckled, "Let's not get into that."

She laughed, "Good call."

I continued to hold her close to me and kiss her temple and forehead as I breathed her in.


"Yeah, baby?"

"Can I see some pictures of the kids?"

I smiled big, this was the first time she's wanted to do that, and I didn't even have to offer this time, "Of course."

I pulled out my phone and went to my photos, swiping through all the pictures I've taken of the kids since they've been gone.

"Oh my goodness, they're so beautiful. Even more beautiful than I remember them. I know I've only been gone a few weeks but it feels like an eternity. Do the twins ask about me?"

I smiled, "Only every single day."

Her smile faded, "They must hate me, I was so horrible to them."

I kissed her temple, "Not even close, Bey. Every day they ask me, 'Is Mommy better? When can we go see Mommy? I miss Mommy, when is Mommy coming home?' They're far from hating you."

She smiled with relief, "And how's Maia, has she been gaining weight okay? Is she sleeping any better?"

I nodded, "She just had a checkup, she's perfect, and she's only waking up about twice a night now."

She smiled then opened her mouth to say something, but hesitated.

"You look like you wanna say something."

"Dr. Washington thinks that it'd be a good idea for the kids to visit me here before I go home, just to see how I do. She thinks that tomorrow would be a good time if I'm ready...and I am, I'm so ready to see them. Do you think it's a good idea?"

"I think that's a great idea, they're gonna love that...and we're all ready to have you home as soon as you're ready."

She nodded, "I wanna be ready."

"I want that too, more than anything. I'll bring them tomorrow, same time."

She smiled and kissed my lips, "Thank you, baby."

We spent the next couple of hours together until Bey had her next group therapy session, just talking, watching TV, her singing me some of the songs she wrote....I'm still bitter that she won't lemme sign her to Roc Nation by the way. But...I think I have my wife back, and I couldn't ask for more than that.

Grown Woman (Sequel to "Be Without You") [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now