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Beyoncé's POV 1 week later

"Hey! What's going on, you feeling okay?" I answered the phone when I saw Skai calling. Ever since finding out she was pregnant my worrying about her has increased by like 100 times.

"I'm fine, mom, I just wanted to tell you that I'm gonna tell Brandon today then I can tell dad, so wish me luck."

"Thank God! I didn't wanna rush you or anything but it's been so hard to keep a secret this big from him."

"I know, and I'm sorry, thank you so much for keeping it between us. Now do you think I should just tell dad after I'm done telling Brandon or should I wait?" she asked.

"It's up to you, baby."

"Hmmm...ok I think I'll tell Brandon and if it doesn't go well then I'll wait to tell dad, but if he takes it well then I'll tell dad."

"Ok, sounds good, let me know how it goes."

"I will! Love you mama."

"Love you too! Bye."

I hung up and then called Shawn from work just to check in. 

"Hey Bey," he answered. 

I smiled just hearing his voice. "Hey baby, I just wanted to let you know I'm not feeling too well so I'm gonna head home for work early, so I'll pick up the twins from daycare now."

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know I'm just feeling kind of nauseous."

"Huh, do you think maybe you caught what Skai had when we were in Disney?"

My eyes widened. "Uh....yeah maybe....ok well I'll see you tonight, love you."

"Love you too, I should be home around 5, feel better babe."

I hung up and immediately paged Nicki to my office.


Skai's POV 

Brandon and were gonna meet up to grab lunch and go see a movie as friends today so I decided to just tell him to meet me at my apartment first so I could talk to him, then if he still wanted to we could go from there.

I heard a knock on the door and knew it would be him. Luckily Zendaya was in class right now so we'd have some privacy.

"Hey," he said when I answered the door.

"Hey," I answered back.

"You ready to go?"

"Can you come in for a second, I wanna talk to you about something."

"Okay," he said stepping in the door. 

"You might wanna sit down for this," I said as I walked over to the couch.

"What's going on, Skai? You're scaring me," he said nervously as he sat down on the couch.

"Alright, I'm just gonna say it....I'm pregnant...with your baby."

At first a shocked expression came onto his face, and then a huge smile spread. He stood up and picked me up, twirling me around, causing me to laugh hysterically. 

"Brandon, did you just hear me right? You're happy about this?!" 

He set me down, "Why wouldn't I be happy about this? Yeah, it's not perfect timing...and maybe I'm just excited now but I'll process it then freakout later, but a child is a blessing, especially with the woman you love."

My eyes widened, "Did you just say what I think you just said?"

"Yep," he replied.

"Did you mean it or did it just come out because you're excited about the baby, I won't be upset if-"

"Stop rambling," he interrupted, "I love the shit out of you girl," he said. 

I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him in for a hug, "I love you too."

He kissed me on the temple, "Can we stop fucking around and be a couple then?"

I laughed, "That sounds good to me." 

I gave him a soft and passionate kiss.

"I'm gonna be there every step of the way for you and for our baby, no matter what happens between us, ok?"

I smiled and kissed him again. This went so much better than I was anticipating. 


Beyoncé's POV

Nicki came running into my office frantically, "What is it, what's wrong?!?"

"I think I'm pregnant..again."

"Bitch you paged me 911 for that?! Didn't you just think you was pregnant last month?"

I shrugged, "A new month a new chance to be pregnant. I feel nauseous and I just realized I'm like 2 days late."

"Your old ass probably just going through menopause or something."

"I am two. year. older. than. you. bitch." I said, clapping between each word for emphasis.

"Yeah, yeah, and why exactly do I need to be dragged into this?"

I rolled my eyes, "For emotional support, stupid. I grabbed a few tests from the supply room again so just wait for me okay?"

"Fine, I hate you though."

I laughed, "You love me!" 

I peed on the three sticks once again and set my timer for three minutes. 

I nervously paced around the room. I was just thinking the other day of how after Skai tells Shawn about her pregnancy I'm gonna tell him we should stop trying for a baby. We don't need a new grandchild and a new child at the same time. But unfortunately, I wasn't able to tell him in time. But anyway, if the test is positive now that means we'd already conceived by the time Skai told me so it doesn't matter anyway...

The alarm on my phone pulled me out of my thoughts and I quickly looked down at the three tests. 

All three of them said, "Pregnant." 

I took a deep breath and gathered the tests and threw them in the trash. 

A tear fell out of my eye and I wiped it away. I was such an emotional mess inside that I didn't know if it was a tear of joy, fear, excitement, or sadness...or maybe a mix of all four. 

"Well?" Nicki asked as I walked into the office.

"Menopause my ass....your bitch is having a baby!"

Grown Woman (Sequel to "Be Without You") [Completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora