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Beyoncé's POV

I woke up in a hospital bed to see a doctor that I've never seen before

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I woke up in a hospital bed to see a doctor that I've never seen before.

I looked around but neither Shawn or Skai was there. Remembering what happened earlier, I quickly reached down to feel my stomach, "What happened, is my baby okay?!"

The doctor smiled at me, "Mrs. Carter, you and your baby are just fine."

I smiled and sighed with relief.

"I know we haven't met yet, I'm Dr. Montgomery, I recently moved here from a hospital in Seattle, I'm a double board certified OB-GYN and neonatal surgeon. Looking at your chart I saw you were diagnosed with placenta previa at 20 weeks, what happened earlier was the condition worsened and you lost a lot of blood, which caused you to lose consciousness. We were able to replace the blood that you lost and repair the bleeding, and since you're only 25 weeks along, it was very fortunate that we were able to keep your baby in for now."

I nodded, "What do you mean by for now?"

"I want to keep you here overnight to observe you and the baby, then you'll have to be on complete bed rest for two weeks, and the condition may resolve on its own. If the condition doesn't resolve, or if there's anymore bleeding or the baby goes into distress, we'll need to deliver immediately via c-section. But hopefully we won't need to worry about that."

"Ok, thank you so much Dr. Montgomery."

She smiled, "I know you're the Chief of Nursing of this hospital, you can call me Addison."

I smiled back,  "Addison, you just saved me and my baby girl's life, you can call me Beyoncé."

"Beyoncé what's going on are you okay?!" Shawn asked frantically running into the room.

"Yes I'm fine and the baby is fine, thanks to Dr. Montgomery, she saved both of our lives."

"Thank you so much, doctor," Shawn said giving her a hug.

I shook my head in embarrassment, "Shawn will you stop acting a fool - Addison I am so sorry."

She laughed, "It's okay I get this reaction a lot doing what I do. I'll give you some privacy and I'll be back in a little bit to check on you and the baby."

"Thank you," Shawn and I both said.

Once she left Shawn pulled up a chair and held my hand as I explained to him everything that happened and how I needed total bed rest for the next two weeks, which I was not excited for but it is what it is.

"Alright," he said, pulling out his phone, "I'm clearing my schedule for the next two weeks-"

"Baby, no I don't wanna be a burden I'll figure something out."

"Beyoncé, tell me how you gonna be 25 weeks pregnant, on bed rest, with two 3 year olds at home and expect to do everything on your own?"

I just stared at him and shrugged my shoulders.

"Exactly, now you're my wife and these are my children and y'all come first," he said kissing me.

I smiled, "But you have that business trip in LA coming up next week."

"So? I don't need to call into work cause I'm the boss. Besides, I'll have Brandon go to that, it'll be a good experience for him, and they can FaceTime me into any meetings that I absolutely have to be at."

"Alright, thank you baby, I love you so much."

He kissed me and then rested his head on my chest, "I love you too, I can't believe I could've lost both of you today," he said placing one hand on my baby bump.

"You're not losing me that easy, I'm not going down without a fight," I said, kissing his head, and he just laughed.

"Now baby, Skai's the twins at home and I don't wanna make her have to feed them dinner and get them to bed and everything so you should really get home to them."

"Bey, I'm not leaving you."

"I'm in a hospital, I'm safe here, Shawn, your children need you at home."

He sighed, "You're right, I just hate leaving you alone here."

"I'll be fine, don't worry you won't be able to leave my side for the next two weeks pretty much."

He laughed. "Yeah you're right I better cherish this time away from you while I can."

I rolled my eyes and lightly hit him upside the head.

"Alright," he kissed me, "I love you and I'll call you in a bit to check up on you."

"I love you more, baby."

He shook his head, "Nah, not possible."

Shawn's POV
I really didn't wanna leave Bey and I knew Skai wouldn't mind watching the twins for the night, she's done it plenty of times before and she was staying at the house anyway since it was summer, but I knew there was no sense in arguing with her.

I stepped outside the room and as I was on my way out of the hospital I got a text from Skai.

I stepped outside the room and as I was on my way out of the hospital I got a text from Skai

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I smiled and put my phone back in my pocket and turned around to go back into Bey's room.

I walked into the room and sat down again next to her bed. "What are you doing here?" she asked.

"Skai said everything is fine at home, now I'm staying here with you tonight and that's the end of it."

"Thank God," she said grabbing my hand and she started to cry.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" I asked as I scooted closer to her and used my free hand to stroke her hair.

"I could've lost her today...I can't lose this baby, Shawn, not again."

"You're not gonna lose her. All you need to do is focus on resting...I got us, Bey."

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