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Skai's POV 1 month later

"Alright that's it for today everyone...remember, your exam is next class," my biochemistry teacher said. 

I shut my laptop and put my stuff in my bag to walk back to the dorm that I share with one of my best friends, Zendaya. This was my last class for the day and I don't have to work so I was looking forward to going home and studying. Ok, I wasn't really looking forward to studying, but I was looking forward to going home. 

As I walked I decided to call Jayson because it's been a few days since I've heard from him. Ever since his mom's funeral a month ago he's been very distant and not himself, which is expected but I still miss him. The phone rung once and then went to voicemail, I rolled my eyes knowing that meant that he saw me calling and chose to ignore it. 

"Hey baby, it's me, I just wanted to check in since it's been a few days. I know you're grieving and you need your space but I'm worried about you. And I miss you. So text me later if you're feeling up to it. Ok I love you, bye." 

Since he didn't answer and I still had a few minutes until I got home I decided to call my mom and annoy her. She didn't answer either and I audibly groaned not caring what anyone around me thought.

"Hi mom, it's me, the light of your life calling to tell you about my day. Call me when you get this, love ya."

Seconds after I locked my phone it was ringing again. I'm not gonna lie, I was slightly disappointed when I saw that it was my mom and not Jayson, but I was still happy to talk to her. 

"Hi mama."

"Hello light of my life," she chuckled, "sorry I missed your call, I left your siblings alone for two seconds and somehow they spilled an entire bag of flour all over the kitchen."

I laughed, "Mom, what are you doing with flour you know you can't cook."

"I'm not even mad at that, that's what I get for tryna be the fun mom and bake cookies with my kids after school."

"Well how about I buy some cookies and come over later tonight? I miss my babies."

"Oh I see how it is...I don't matter you just wanna see them. Matter of fact take them back with you and give me some days off from running around like a crazy person."

I laughed, "I'm good love, enjoy. I'll come by around 7 tonight?"

"Sounds good, see you then."

"Bye, mama."

"Bye, love you baby," she said and hung up. 

Perfect timing, I just arrived at my building. As I walked in the door Zendaya looked up from her laptop, "What's up?" she asked me. 

"Ughhhhhhhhhhh" I groaned.

"What he do today?" she asked, knowing what my ugh was about. She's the only person I really vent to about Jayson. I tell my mom everything but she and my dad really like him so I don't want them to think negatively about him for this. He always used to treat me really well and he's just going through a hard time now. I think we'll make it though this though so I want them to still like him when we do.

"Nothing, that's the problem. Well, not nothing. He did ignore my call so that's something. But besides that, I'm still in a relationship with myself." 

She gave me a pouty face, "I'm sorry, girl."

I shrugged, "It's fine. It'll pass, it just sucks for now." 

"I have an idea - let's go out and have fun tonight!" Zendaya said excitedly. I laughed, she truly was the Kelly to my Beyoncé - always trying to get me to go out and party when I'd rather stay home and study. 

Grown Woman (Sequel to "Be Without You") [Completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora