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Narrator's POV

Beyoncé sat in her bed scrolling through her emails, trying to do as much work from home as possible, when Marisa came running into her room crying.


Beyoncé moved her laptop to the side and gestured for Marisa to hop up onto her bed. "What's wrong, baby?"

"I want you to make my peanut butter and jelly, daddy's isn't as good as yours!" she said pouting.

Beyoncé couldn't help but laugh as Shawn came into the room next holding a plate with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on it with one small bite taken out of it. 

"Marisa, it's peanut butter and jelly, how could I mess that up?" he said, sounding defeated.

"I don't know, mommy's is just better," she said sadly.

"Lemme see," Beyoncé reached her hand out and took the plate. Inspecting the sandwich, she said, "Ah, I see. Baby, you gotta spread peanut butter on both sides of the bread then put the jelly in the middle so the bread doesn't get soggy."

Shawn laughed, "So you're the master of Hamburger Helper and now peanut butter and jelly?"

Beyoncé rolled her eyes, "What can I say, I'm very talented?...Here, I'm hungry anyway I'll eat this one, can you just make her another one?"

"I want mommy to make it," Marisa pouted. Normally Beyoncé would put an end to the pouting and tell her to just eat the sandwich, but she knew that the twins had been acting out a little bit recently because they missed her. She hasn't been away, but just being stuck in this bed for a week already and not being able to care for them and play with them like she used to was different for all of them. 

She gave Shawn a smile, "Can you bring me the stuff? I'll make it for her." 

Shawn laughed and shook his head, "Bed rest has made you go soft," but he went to the kitchen and grabbed the bread, peanut butter, jelly, a knife, and another plate and brought them to her in bed.

"Thank you, baby," she smiled. "Where's Malcolm at?" she asked as she showed Shawn the right way to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

"He's chillin, he already finished eating, I was gonna take them to the park after lunch to get them outta the house for a bit."

"I wanna stay with mommy," Marisa said as she snuggled up to Beyoncé while eating her sandwich. 

"Shawn why don't you take him then and I'll stay here, we can just watch a movie or something."

"Ok, that works. Do you need anything before I go?"

"No I think I'm okay."

"Okay, Risa, be good for your mom while I'm gone ok?" Shawn asked her.

"Ok, daddy," she said. Shawn gave them both a kiss goodbye for leaving the room.

"Ris, when you're done eating your sandwich, go pick out whatever movie you want and we'll watch it together, ok?"

"Okay!" she answered excitedly. 

She ended up picking The Princess and the Frog, which luckily is one of the kids movies that Beyoncé actually enjoys, so they watched the movie and enjoyed their time together until Shawn and Malcolm got home.


A few hours later 

"Tag! You're it!" Malcolm said as he ran up and tagged Marisa, knocking a bunch of papers off of the kitchen table in the process, but they just laughed and kept running around. 

Grown Woman (Sequel to "Be Without You") [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now