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Beyoncé's POV 1 hour later
"How long is labor supposed to last because I really feel like this should be over by now," Skai groaned.

"You're doing amazing sweetie, just keep breath-ughhhhh," I groaned as I felt a powerful contraction and squeezed Shawn's hand.

"Dad, can you hand me my phone, I wanna see where the hell Brandon is."

He quickly went to grab her phone and hand it to her. 

Skai rolled her eyes, "Why are men so stupid?" 

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Skai rolled her eyes, "Why are men so stupid?" 

"What'd he say?" I asked.

"He's stuck in traffic."

"Don't worry, I'm sure he'll be here," Shawn said reassuringly. 

"How are we doing in here?" Addison asked, coming into the room.

"I think I'm dying," Skai said.

Addison smiled, "I'm sure you're not dying, but you may be just about ready to push, let's take a quick look."

As Addison was examining her, I noticed she made a face. Not a good face, a surprised, worried face.

"What's wrong?" I asked immediately.

"Ok...Skai, you're at 10 centimeters, however, your umbilical cord has prolapsed, meaning that it's coming out before the baby. I don't want you to panic, we're going to do an emergency c-section and everything is going to be fine, whatever you do I just need you not to push, ok?"

"Ok," Skai nodded with tears in her eyes. 

"I'm going to book the OR...have her prepped for surgery and bring her over immediately," Addison said to the nurse. "And Beyoncé, I think that you still have plenty of time, but just in case, our OB resident is going to take over for you, ok?"

"That's fine, just take care of Skai, ok?"

"I will." 

Addison left  and the nurse prepped Skai for surgery and got ready to wheel her bed out of the room. 

"Skai, I love you, you're gonna be fine okay?" I said, even though I think I was more worried than she was.

She nodded, "I love you too."

The nurse took her out of the room and every bit of strength that was holding me together in front of Skai left my body as I started crying and hyperventilating. 

"Hey...hey, she's going to be fine, just try to breath, okay?" Shawn said, holding my hand and stroking my hair. 

I shook my head, "Shawn, you have to go be with her."

He furrowed his eyebrows, "Bey, you're in labor to-"

"And I've done this before, I know the drill. But Skai is scared and alone and Brandon is supposed to be there with her and I'm supposed to be there with her but I fucking can't because my body thought now would be an awesome time to have a baby so you need to go and be with her!" I yelled.

Grown Woman (Sequel to "Be Without You") [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now