Chapter Thirty

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As I arrive to the location I see a lack of Nick or Maria. I hold an offensive stance in an attempt to avoid a trap. "Relax Stark," I hear. Suddenly Fury makes his way from the shadows of the near empty bar. He had the place cleared out. "Want a drink. I heard you took up that hobby during the blip."

"Are you trying to be funny?" I ask him skeptically, "and besides I inherited that hobby from my father." I move collecting a bottle of whiskey from the table, "You sure you are okay with a minor drinking around you."

"I pick my battles with you Starks," He says honestly. I chuckle as I pour myself the drink. I sip it as He watches me carefully. "Whats going on with you Stark?"

"Why do you care?" I ask him.

"Well I have only a few heroes that I know how to work with left," Fury says honestly, "And if I lose one I have to find a way to replace you without letting you get to strong on your own and making me look bad." I chuckle harshly as I nurse the drink. "Besides Maria's made me come down here and handle it."

"That sounds about right," I say to him, "you want the honest truth? Death is hard to cope with when the people I went to first are either dead or are in such a sorry shape I can't bring myself to visit them. I mean I can't look Steve in the eye anymore. He got so selfish in the end."

"Didn't you ask to change your age?" Fury asks, "Seems pretty selfish to me."

"I just want some reason to be angry at them to make it easier," I admit, "if I'm mad I don't have to be upset that I lost them. Upset that I sat there not relishing the time we had together. My therapist is trying to get me to abandon that mindset."


"For the PTSD," I explain, "a lot of the hero survivors from the original snap have a mix of PTSD and survivors guilt. Its been hard for all of us. Not to say that you people who got dusted have had it any easier." As I finish the drink I met his eyes. "Where did you find Beck?"

"Mexico," Fury says honestly, "he was fighting the sand elemental."

"Can I be honest with you," I say to him, "Nick I don't have a good feeling about him. I mean something about him is off. Like he's a little too familiar."

"Are you sure you aren't just having a hard time adjusting?" Nick offers.

"No I have seen him before," I tell him, "It's right there I just now it."

"You don't Y/n," He says to me. I'm taken back by the use of my first name. Nick Fury doesn't call me by my first name. He never has and he never will. I look carefully at the man before me. "You are just being paranoid."

"Paranoid?" I ask as I move slyly to pull the knife from my boot.

"Of course," the imposter says.

"Am I? Or Beck are you exactly what I think you are?" I ask him harshly. Suddenly the ruse stops and the man before me quickly shifts from Nick to Beck.

"You gave me the perfect opportunity to crush you Y/n," Beck says, "I should really thank you." I toss the knife at him but he dodges it. "I was worried with you. I mean I've heard you are so smart. The hardest avenger to trick. I guess I got lucky that you are being reckless."

"This Beck is why you were fired," I say to him, "you're unstable. A crazy bastard."

"You Stark's stole my life's work!" He screams at me, "you took it as your own."

"Listen I don't agree with my father taking the credit from you," I tell him, "but he's dead. You need to let it go." He just simply laughs.

"I can't let it go! You're father is the hero of the world!" He screams, "he ruined my life and he's the hero! And here is his precious little daughter who will keep his memory alive by following his footsteps. You see Stark that just can't be." I light my fists on fire as I glare harshly at him.

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