Chapter Sixteen

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The preparation for such a trip was new to Peter. Unlike the trip to Berlin where he didn't have any personal opinions or anything at stake here. But with this mission, the girl he loves is at stake. Someone he has shared every bit of himself with. No matter what on the plane ride he couldn't stop fidgeting or fighting his thoughts on the idea she was already dead. Even worse, he knew Tony was feeling about 100 times worse than he was.

Tony's mindset was focused on the dark side of the situation. The fact this was now the second time his daughter was kidnapped. The fact that he has no idea what's going on made him extremely nervous. His stoic expression covered with complete and utter worry.

So as they land in South America Tony and Peter put their game faces on. Never would you ever see the two of them more serious. They suit up and move rushing to save the girl as her time runs out.

-location Unknown-

  My body wears as time moves on. It felt as if every bit of my powers was trying to rip me in half to escape. Everything that was supposed to hold back my powers were failing. Yet I couldn't control any aspect of my abilities to even try to save myself. I could feel my body trying to give out on itself. Every so often Andrew and Dante would return to repeat the injections.

"Finally," I hear Koma's voice. I tense up as he moves towards me. "Everything is set you disgusting brat." He stands above me with Dante, Andrew, and an older man. "You think she's ready father?"

"Father?" I ask harshly sitting up as much as I can. The older man smirks. His hand resting on my knotted dirty hair. He looks at me and sighs.

"To think I ever thought you were mine," He sighs, "come on Koma. This spell takes all of my energy."

"Fine father," Koma says as they surround me. All but Dante grab ahold of me. As The old man starts muttering under his breath I realise the hopelessness of this situation. I focus all my energy into something, anything to keep them away from me.

- Rio de Janerio, Brazil -

   Peter climbs into the aircraft. Never would the boy ever experience such luxury. Yet now wasn't the time to enjoy it. His face stoic and tense as everyone else settles in the ship. Tony takes the front while Peter paces along in the back.

"How long do we have?" Peter asks looking to her father.

"Five hours if they don't clear the air," Tony says, "two hours if they do."

"Lets hope they cleared the air."

_ Location Unknown.

The surge of chemicals in my body cause me to get extremely nauseous. Emptying the contents of my already empty stomach with every new burst.

"Oh you poor bastard," Lima's father says as Andrew pushes back my matted sweat covered hair. I was alone and on the edge of death. Afraid of what was going to happen. Afraid that the last words to my dad were filled with anger. Afraid Steve and the others last time seeing me was during the fight. Afraid of being another person Peter looses in his life. I wanted to stay alive. Stay fighting for them. But the feeling of every breath getting harder and every bit of my body aching made everything harder.

"I think you should do it soon," Dante says as I lean over the edge of the bed throwing up in the container on the floor. "She'll die if you keep this up much longer."

"Who cares if she dies?" Andrew asks.

"You should," Koma's father says, "she dies that power goes too." Koma pushes Andrew away from me. While his father watches me.

"She looks like your mother Koma," He says look over my frame, "looks like a whore just like here." I cough loudly as my skin burns. Koma moves grabbing his father's hand and Andrews.

"Let's move now," He says as he looks away from me. The talk about his mother obviously making him uncomfortable.

"It's a quick spell," Andrew says grabbing my wrist. A quick pain shoots to my wrist. I move slightly to see he's cutting symbols into my wrist.

"Please," I whimper to them. But they ignore my desperate pleas. Instead they move to work this out. As they mumble words over the me I feel my skin boil. After twenty minutes they pull back.

"It's not working," Koma growls seeming frustrated.

"Make it work," Koma's father hisses, "you must not let her leave this room with those powers."

"Fine," Koma says, "go upstairs we We'll handle this." His father looks around reluctantly then walks back away. Koma grabs the syringe and jabs it into my vein. "New plan We use a different ritual then just kill her."

"What we weren't killing her," Dante says, "I know you all aren't aware of how crazy Tony Stark is but if you kill her we all will be slaughtered by the avengers."

"Idiot the avengers aren't together anymore," Andrew says and Dante laughs.

"I'm not kidding-"

"We aren't killing the girl," Koma says, "we are just stripping her of what abilties she has."

"Dumbass we already tried that and it didn't work!" Andrew huffs. Koma rolls his eyes yanking me up by my hair.

"I know this works," he says as he wipes the pooling blood from my wrist into my forehead. As they start to whisper again another injection is stabbed into my body. I feel my body grow cold. Everything happens so quickly. I feel my self relaxing suddenly. I knew this was the end.

"Get away from her!" I hear in Peters voice. His thick Queens accent different from the weird accents I've been hearing.

"That's a demand not a request," I hear my father say. I look up to see them both. Not believing my eyes as they rush towards me. Koma and Andrew lightning their fists on fire to fight while Dante continues the ritual.

"Get off of me!" I scream a surge of energy now filling my body. While Peter and my Dad fight Koma and Andrew. I attempt to move Dante away from me.

"Y/n," Peter yells as he gets close to me. He sees my worn face and looks on with the most mixed reaction. Happy to see me but sad at the state I'm in. Koma pulls Peter back away from me.

"Get off of him!" I scream.

"Foolish bitch! We are going to kill these two powerless mutated freaks then rip you too shreds!" Koma yells.

"Don't talk to her like that!" Peter screams decking him. On the other side I see my father struggling with Andrew. I want to do something, anything to help. But the chains and my weak state making it hard to move, let alone help.

"Watch it brat!" Koma yells punching Peter. Dante cuts into my thigh. I scream loudly. He whispers something over me.

"Ahhh!" I hear a blood curdling scream from Peter. Looking up to see his beaten burned figure. Koma's grip tighter around his neck.

"No!" I scream using my last drop of energy and strength to flip the table to its side letting me yank away easier. I get up and run towards Koma. The storm swarming me and attacking him right away. As lightening strikes us and he lets go of Peter he smirks while it hits him. I collapse onto the ground and Peter runs towards me while Koma and Andrew laugh.

"What?" My father demands holding onto Andrew tightly. "What's so funny?"

"She completed the ritual," Koma smirks, "go on you bastard try to hit me with your powers." I try to light my fist but nothing. Again and again I try with out success.

"What did you do to her?" Peter asks angrily. Fully prepared to kill.

"Her powers were sealed away in a blood ritual," Dante explains.

"To have them again she must kill someone she loves," Koma says,  "to break it and to make the ritual blood is required. Why do you think our mother is dead you foul." I attempt to get up to attack him but collapse again. No healing no nothing. "Take her. We got what we wanted."

"I didn't," Dad says standing up. His suit hanging tightly against his form. Her raises his arm and shoots Koma down. As I look around my body runs cold again. My breathing slows and Black spots fill my vision.

"You okay?" Peter asks and his voice grows blurry.

"Yeah yeah-" I say as everything goes dark. The last thing I see is Peter's worn worried face.

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