Chapter Eleven

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"Okay okay Ned here is my dress," I say as I adjust my suit. It was weird not having another outfit under the suit but the dress couldn't go under it. "Just stuff it in your locker. Or something."

"Alright," he says, "am I needed for anything else?"

"I don't even know if I'm needed," I say, "I have to go okay?" He nods and hands me a set of keys.

"I'll pay for any damages okay," I say to him, "I'll be careful. Okay bye." I wave before running to the parking lot and climbing into the car Ned borrowed from one of his friends. I drive towards the location that Peter had gone to. Quickly and recklessly. "Okay okay," I say calming myself as I drive. Shutting off my nerves and emotions. I pull up my mask and turn to the destination. But the building was smashed. I park and climb out. "No no no Peter please be okay," I whimper and I walk around. "Peter! Peter are you here?!" With no response, I press my earpiece. "Hiro scan the rubble for any heat signatures."

"I live to serve," Hiro says sarcastically.

"Can you not be an ass?" I ask as I look around, "this is serious."

"No heat signatures around the lot other than yours," Hiro says, "Peter isn't here."

"Okay okay," I say to Hiro, "where is the plane?"

"The plane is moving on 45th street," Hiro says, "I have the easy route mapped out if you would like."

"Yeah yeah alright," I say running to the car. As I get inside and start it Hiro starts feeding me directions.

"Turn right in 50 feet," He says and I comply.

"Hiro please try to call Peter," I say but remember he didn't have his phone or his old suit, "Never mind. Try my dad."

"Steve or Tony?" He asks. I roll my eyes.

"Who do you think?" I ask him.

"Calling Tony Stark," Hiro says as the line rings. Nothing happens. And it goes to voicemail.

"Dammit dad the one time you disconnect. Okay okay try Happy," I say sounding annoyed.

"Calling Happy Hogan," Hiro says. Again it rings and goes to Voicemail.

"I am going to skin these men alive," I groan.

"Turn left then straight up," Hiro orders. I groan turning then pulling into a parking lot and ditch the car.

"Okay okay," I say as the soft snowflakes fall around me. "Shit!" I'm making it snow from nerves. "Breath Y/n breath. Now isn't the time." My mind trails to the dangers Peter could be in. "Fuck okay come on." I try to use the air beneath me but nothing.

"The plane is still moving," Hiro says, "so the longer you wait the further it gets."

"Okay! Yes, Hiro I understand!" I say angrily. I push up and focus on getting to the plane. As I reach it I grab onto the tail. "Oh man, this is really freakin high man."

"You are exactly 34,789 feet up in the air," Hiro says.

"You are such a fucking tool Hiro," I groan as I adjust my grip as we fly over water. "Peter!"

"Over here," Peter says waving me down under the plane.

"Alright," I say pushing myself along. As I get down there he points to the bottom seal.

"Get us inside," he says. I nod and light my hand. Placing them on the metal cover to melt it. As I push more and more heat to it we both push through. "Alright alright get revert the settings while I keep him away from you!" Peter says. I nod and split from him. Making my way towards the controls.

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