~Chapter Two~

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"Ya know," I say to my father as I walk into his lab. His face is buried into his work as he tinkers with parts off his suit. "Ever since Pepper left you've been spending more and more time up here."

"I'm always working," He lies through his teeth. It wasn't true. He locked him self up here to pretend that his life wasn't falling apart since she left him.

"Dad, Are you doing okay?" I ask him seriously. He sighs and puts down the tools looking back to me.

"Why do you ask?" He asks me seeming rather offended at the question. I look away quickly.

"You've stopped beings such an ass," I say in a joking tone but I definitely mean the words.

"Are you really gonna speak that way to your father?" He asks and I nod, "besides this suit needs to be upgraded. And I need to work on the new one for you."

"Hey leave that to me," I say to him trying to get the thought from his mind, "I'm not into you're big clanky metal suits. So leave my suits to me."

"Well the one I'm working on is more a blank design for you to fix how you want. Just made so I have what you need on it," He says as he switches to the other suit. A form fitting black one. Of course a rather sexist on in design but how else would a man make a woman's suit?

"Nice," I say softly as my eyes trail around at all the projects around his room. One in particular stuck among the rest, it's a red and blue one with webbing on it. "is that for that spider kid?"

"He has the powers, the name, and the will," My dad sighs looking away from me. So now he'll let newbies in? Now he's so willing to hire teenagers, "if we ever need him-"

"You have something to bribe him with?" I ask him. I walk towards the suit and pick it up carefully. The suits design is rather sleek and nice.

"Ya know, some people have children who respect them," Dad says. I turn back to see him watching me as he pushes up his glasses. I roll my eyes harshly turning back to the suit.

"How lucky they must be," I chuckle. I look over the half done mechanics of the suit. He attempted to start something but didn't finish. It makes sense. Every time he falls down this circle of madness he starts hundreds of projects and only finishes half of them.

"Something told me you were gonna say that," He says chuckling softly. If I got anything from my father it's the fact that I'm a asshole.

"Hey thats what you get for homeschooling me. I spent so much time with you I have your brain and your sarcastic wit," I say to him, "oh and if you must have something to bribe spiderboy then maybe have it be finished. I'll gladly take over the project."

"Fine," He says looking over at me, "if you think you can handle it-"

"I know I can handle it," I say to him, "now leave it to me." I pull the suit down and gather the last of the things to work on the suit. After about twenty minutes James runs in and goes straight to my father. The whisper in panic then both look over to me urgently.

"Get your stuff we're leaving," he orders me, "all of the gear come on let's go." I grab my suit and the spider kids along with a tool kit and we move.


"When you said we were going to Berlin I thought it was a vacation. Not to bail out Sam and Steve," I say to my father as he talks to someone else on his phone. I see Natasha, Steve, Sam and soldiers marching towards us. "Speak of the devil."

"Consequences? You bet there'll be consequences," Dad says to the person on the other line. He was trying to convince them as I wave to group ahead of us. "Obviously you can quote me on that, because I just said it. Anything else? Thank you, sir."

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