Chapter Twenty Six

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 What they don't tell you about when your parent dies is how much attention is moved to you. So my orginal plan to return to highschool in person turned into me not doing it at all. I wanted to use it to acutally be with Peter more but the constant questioning and attention kicked my anxiety into over drive. More so the PTSD from the two events became imbedded into my life. So instead of returning to highschool I remained in college studying on my own time at my own home. More so I had to spend a lot of time repairing the Avenger Compound to its orginal state now that the Avengers are back and decriminliazed to a point. My time quickly filled with everything except Peter. Which was damaging for us. However when we did see each other it was like every single issue in our lives melted away. He and I finally got back to our sweet relationship. I mean every single date or night we have together makes the stress of the world and my life melt away. The little bubble kept me going. But it again is rare we get to spend time together. Most of the time I'm alone studying or working to help move the world forward from the population doubling overnight and plenty of people being displaced. All the attention on me and my fathers death though weighed heavily with one question - Who will become the next Ironman?

"Y/n Maria Stark - the one gaining the Stark Legacy," The boardcaster says on the TV. The bright glow lighting up my dark room as my eyes remain on my notes, "she was one of the surivivors of the blip and one of our heroes fighting to return us all but will she be a good replacement for her father?" 

"She's been known to act aloof and emotional," Another news person says, "and I mean come on she just isn't strong enough. Like sure she has these flashy powers but what good are they if she couldn't even scratch Thanos-" The TV shuts off. I look up from the text book to see Pepper watching me. 

"Those bastards should of fought him then," She says to me, "i mean its all garbage. You did scratch him- you stabbed him actually."

"I know its all garbage," I say as I turn to face her, "but its really hard to listen to everyone say that I'll never be half the person my father is- was. Its hard." Pepper moves pulling me into a hug. I hug her back tightly. All of the walls from before had to drop. It really just is us Stark women versus the world now. No one else understands my fathers death as we do.

"Listen I know you didn't want to go," Pepper says to me as she pulls away, "but maybe the europe trip isn't such a bad idea. I mean you'll get to see Peter and take a break from all this." She looks around my room filled with half done projects. I just couldn't make them work. Dad always helped me with my projects when I got stuck. He always seemed to know exactly what would fix it. With out him I can't keep them working. 

"I don't think its a good idea," I say to her, "people are just gonna wanna talk about dad. Tell me how sorry they are. Besides I have so much to do. That didn't go away when I turned back my age." She places her hands on my shoulders attempting to grab my attention. I look up to her and sigh.

"You are just a kid- again," She says to me, "your father wouldn't of wanted you to be locked inside here like a tower. Nat wouldn't either. So get your things together and go to Europe with your boyfriend and have some fun."

"I'll think about it," I say as pull away and turn back to my homework, "I'm trying to get this paper done."

"Which degree are you working on now?" She asks me. I roll my eyes. Pushing all my time into school again I'm quick to zoom through the courses for degrees. "Listen just take a break You've deserved it."

"I'll call Peter," I say to her, "and I talk to him about it but don't get your hopes up." She sighs. She's desperate to get me back out into the world. Something that I'm not even slightly willing to do.

"Well its something," She says to me accepting the slight victory that I'd talk to Peter about it, "I'm taking Morgan to Stark today. Will you be alirght here?" 

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