Chapter Fifteen

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"She's gone? What do you mean gone Peter?" Tony asks as he pushes past Peter. Peter scopes up the shattered mix of the plastic and glass and holds it out to Tony. Who looks on expressionless.

"It's her bracelet and the cars empty," Peter says, "she's not here." Tony after observing his surroundings growing increasingly nervous despite his cold face looks up to Peter.

"Come on," He says harshly stepping out of the limo. Peter follows close behind as they move to another vehicle. "Get it." Peter complies and gets on beside Tony. While the billionaire is already messing with his watch and his phone. But at this close angle Peter could see the worry in her fathers eyes. "Don't ever tell her that I have this," Tony says to him as he pulls up a map, "after she almost died we put an experimental tracking device under her skin."

"She'd kill you if she ever finds out," Peter chuckles slightly. Tony cracks a slight smile before going to work.

"It will take about ten minutes to locate her but until then we need to hope this people want to keep her alive."

-unknown location and time-

My mind feels like mush as I stare into the darkness. The silence from fear of Koma coming back down to me and injecting something to me. It felt like time has stopped. I couldn't tell if I'd been tied to the cold floor for days or just hours.

"You're right Andrew," A new voice says, "she is cute." Slowly they walk towards me. The light above me barely lighting the room but enough that I could see the familiar face of Andrew along with a new one.

"I know Dante," Andrew says, "but you're not here for that. All you have to do is drain her of what is special about her."

"I don't want anything here," I plead, "I just want to go home. Please!" They scoff at me as Dante moves towards my chains.

"We have our orders," Andrew says, "you know how it is."

"Besides you just being out there poses a threat to us," Dante says as the chains drop to the ground. He grabs my arm and pulls me up. My whole body attempting to give out but they keep a tight hold on me. As they drag me from the room along with them I attempt to pull away. To do anything to prevent something bad from happening. The next place we move to was brighter. A lab. Dante and Andrew pin me to the table chaining my arms to the sides. As they back away they pull a whole tray of syringes towards me. "Bet you've been wondering about these little things."

"Simple sedative in the first couple," I say cockily, "a child could guess that. Although it was obviously laced with something, mild hallucinate perhaps?."

  "You're smart," Dante says seeming slightly impressed. He grips my hair tilting my head back. "That'll be your down fall."

  "Likely," I shrug attempting to remain calm, "I do have my fathers wit." Andrew quickly grabs my arm and jabs the syringe in it. The contents spill into my veins. "Knocking me out? Pathetic."
  "At the current second you're weak enough I don't have to," Andrew huffs.

  "Actually, we are putting a herb mixture of poisonous plants. Weaken you to a point of exhaustion you know," Dante explains, "easier to extract any powers or abilities you have."

  "Fantastic," I say harshly as I squirm. My skin getting hotter and hotter as my insides boil. Was it the syringe or is it me? Dante moves to inject my arm with other. But flinches harshly as my arm come in contact with his. He jumps letting me go while his hands were burned slightly.

  "Son of a bitch!" He calls.

  "What?" Andrew asks stepping forward, "what did she do?"

  "I thought you said she couldn't use her powers?!" Dante screams, "you backstabbing stupid witches!"

"Hey hey! It's true she can't normally. But the mixture is attacking her body. So her powers are attempting to fight back," Andrew explains, "that magic is as vital to her survival as her heart.

"Glad you're taking it," I say sarcastically as my arms grow extremely heavy, "wouldn't need anything like a heart right?"

"You do it," Dante huffs ignoring my comment.

"Fine," Andrew says as my body temperature drops. I feel my insides get extremely cold. Andrew takes the syringe and heats his own hands up to attempt from hurting himself. He injects it into my skin. "There," He says, "give me the last one." Quickly my arms freeze over with a layer of ice preventing them from injecting anything else in my arms. "God dammit! Find a vein now!" Him and Dante look over my body quickly finding a vein in my leg stabbing into it. I scream loudly as it empties.

"Get off of me! Get off get off get off!" I scream through painful tears. Around me lighting and thunder cracks from my flaming emotions. The lack of use with my powers was causing them to bubble up.

"She'll wear herself out," Andrew says, "her family has a bit of a habit of being dramatic. Leave her be." The two men leave my painfully screaming as every ounce of my energy goes into the bubbling storm around me. It's hopeless.

-New York-

"Have you found anything?" Peter asks the distressed father again. Back in the lab at the avengers base Peter paces the length of Y/n's side of the lab. Looking over everything so was working on as if something would trigger an instinct of his not ever he knew about. "Please tell me you've found something." Peter looks at Tony, who was watching the screen of his lab distinctly.

"I can't get anything 100%," Tony says, "but every trail says she's in South America." He looks in sadly looks from the screen. "I should have known. That's where her mother is from."

"Her mother?" Peter asks carefully tilting his head slightly, "I thought she was dead. What does she have to do with it?"

"She is dead," Tony says, "but her ex husband isn't. I suppose he wants Y/n as a power move more than anything else. Her mother warned me about them."

"Why is Y/n a power move?" Peter asks slightly out of curiosity majority of it concern for his girlfriend, "her powers?"

"I don't know much," Tong says turning to Peter. "but Y/n was supposed to be the next supreme. But when her step father found out that Y/n is mine and not his well he wasn't happy."

"How so?"

"He ordered for Y/n to be killed. He didn't want anyone to know he had a lapse of power. Moral of the story is her mother brought her here for me to keep her safe," Tony says.

"Wow," Peter says, "that's. wow."

"Apparently that witchy business is very old school dictatorship or monarchy," Tony explains, "native royals of whatever." Tony jumps up and grabs his suit among other things. "Now Peter lets go. If she's still alive I doubt she'll be alive for much longer."

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