Chapter 37

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Nessa's POV: (while RonRon was at dinner)
I didn't tell Roni this yet but I actually have a date tonight. His name is Grayson and I met him on tinder. We've been talking for a couple days and he's really nice and he asked me out to dinner tonight and he's picking me up right after Roni leaves to go on her date with Aaron. I get ready and the doorbell rings a couple minutes after they leave. I open it and see Grayson standing there with flowers. "Hey." he says and hands me the flowers. "Hey. Thank you. They're really pretty." I say. "Not as pretty as you." he says and I blush. We walk to his car and he opens the door for me and I smile at him. I can tell this is gonna be a good night. We go to a nice restaurant and just talk and get to know each other and eat and have fun. He's a really nice guy and I'm starting to really like him. We get home right before Aaron and Roni do so it's perfect timing!

Aaron's POV:
"Hey Roni, do you wanna stay at my place tonight? We can go to your house to get your stuff and tell your family first if you want." I ask her. "Of course! That'd be great! Thanks Aaron!" she responds. We stop at her house and as soon as we open the door, everyone rushes over to us. They don't say a word, they just stare at us and wait for one of us to say something. Roni looks weirded out so I elbow her and look at her with my "go ahead, you can tell them" face. She doesn't look very sure of it and she's holding her hands behind her back so I nod my head and smile at her. This is the definition of awkward silence.

Roni's POV:
I don't know why but I just froze when Mommy, Daddy, and Nessa were all staring at us. I guess they know about the proposal by now but they probably wanna hear it from us. I know that look on Aaron's face but I just can't do it and I don't know why. I look at him for help but he just nods and smiles telling me to say it. I'm still looking at him for help so he just grabs my left hand and kisses it. Nessa gasps but everyone is still silently waiting for us to say something even though they saw the ring when Aaron lifted my hand. I guess I have to say something eventually so I open my mouth and start to speak. "Mommy, Daddy, Nessa. Aaron and I are engaged!" I say kinda quietly with a hint of excitement. The three of them start screaming and hugging us and looking at the ring and congratulating us and everyone's super happy. After a while, I go up to my room to get some stuff to sleep at Aaron's house tonight. "Bye guys." I say and we head out to go to my boyfriend, correction, fiancé's house. Oh my gosh! I can't believe we're actually engaged!

Nessa's POV:
I can't believe RonRon is finally engaged!!! I'm so happy for them!!! I also need to tell Roni about my date tonight but she's going to Aaron's house now so I don't know if I should wait until tomorrow or tell her now. "Hey Roni, can I talk to you before you leave?" I say while walking into her room. "Yea sure. What's wrong?" she asks a little concerned. "Nothing's wrong. I just wanted to tell you something." I say. "Oh ok. What is it?" she says. "I kinda went on a date tonight." I say quietly. "Oh my gosh you did? With who? How was it?" she asks excitedly. "Yea. His name is Grayson and I really like him. The date went really well and we had a lot of fun just talking and eating together and he got me these flowers." I say and we walk into my room while I point to the flowers on my dresser. "Awwwwwwwwww that's so sweet! I'm so happy for you Ness! Also, you're blushing!" she teases. "Stop." I say and blush a little more. "I'm really happy for you and Aaron! I can't believe you guys are finally going to get married!" I say trying to change the topic. "Thanks. I love him so much and I really hope it works out for you and Grayson." she says. "Thanks Roni. I'll see you tomorrow." I say. "Bye Nessa. See you tomorrow." she says and brings her stuff downstairs and leaves with Aaron.

Sorry for the short chapter. I hope you guys liked it. Also, I'm so sorry for not posting in a while. I wrote this chapter a while ago but I completely forgot about it so I never posted it oops.

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