Chapter 16

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Roni's POV:
I wake up bright and early this morning and check my phone. Today is the first day of filming Where's my Romeo and I'm so excited to spend the next couple days with Aaron! This series is gonna be so fun to film! I hop in the shower and then get changed into what my character wears for the first episode of the series. I curl my hair a little bit with a straightener and then go downstairs to eat breakfast. "Good morning Daddy!" I say as I walk past him. "Good morning Roni! Is Nessa up yet?" he asks me. "Ummm I don't know." I say while opening the fridge. "Why don't you go check. I wouldn't want her to be late for filming." he says. "Ok good idea." I respond while going upstairs to check wake Nessa.

Nessa's POV:
"Nessa. Wake up." I hear Roni quietly say while shaking my shoulder. "What time is it?" I sleepily ask her. "It's 8:00. We're leaving in an hour." she says. Oh no! I must have forgotten to set my alarms! "Thanks for waking me up, Roni! Lemme get ready and I'll be downstairs soon!" I say and go into the bathroom to take a shower. After 15 minutes, I'm done so I get out and get changed into what I'm supposed to wear for episode 1 of Where's my Romeo. I go downstairs to the smell of bacon and eggs. Yum! "Good morning Nessa!" Daddy says while handing me a plate with scrambled eggs and 2 pieces of bacon on it. "Good morning! Thank you!" I respond excitedly while sitting down next to Roni. Eggs and bacon is my favorite thing to eat for breakfast and I haven't had it in a while so I'm very happy!

Paul's POV:
After the girls ate their breakfast, they went upstairs to brush their teeth and gather the things they needed for filming today. I went into my office to get a few things that I didn't bring to the studio yet. I carried them out to my car and then went back inside to wait for Roni and Nessa. "Are you girls ready? It's almost 9!" I called up the stairs. "Yea!" they both said while walking down the steps. We got into the car and started driving to the studio.

Sorry for the short chapter but it'll have to do because it's not a weekend. I was bored of doing homework so I thought I'd write a chapter. Hope you liked it! Also, thank you so much for 1.7k reads! It means so much to me that you guys like my story!

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