Chapter 19

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Roni's POV
*beep beep beep beep*
I woke up at 8:00 this morning because we had to be at the studio at 9. I quickly took a shower and got ready to go. "Nessa! You almost ready?!" I say while walking into her room. "Yup! Just gotta put shoes on!" she said while sitting down on her bed to put her shoes on. "You excited to film today?" she asks me. "Of course! This whole day is gonna consist of me and Aaron flirting and being cute on and off camera! Why wouldn't I be excited?!?!" I said. We both laughed. "You excited to have Marco flirt with you the whole day?" I teased her. "No! He doesn't even like me like that! It's only his character, Marcus that likes my character. Not me." she said sadly and looked down. I know she likes Marco but now's not the time to tease her about it. "Nessa," I said while lifting her chin to have her look me in the eyes. "You are an amazing person in every way and if Marco can't see that, then he doesn't deserve you." Nessa smiled and said, "Thanks Roni! You're the best sister ever!" "No, you are! And also, it's obvious that Marco likes you!" I said and quietly ran out to the car.

Nessa's POV:
Does Marco really like me? No! Of course not! He can't like me! Can he? No! We just met yesterday! But I liked him from the moment I saw him! No Nessa! You can't like him and he can't like you! That's not how it works in life! This isn't a book or a movie! You're crush doesn't automatically like you just because you like them! "Nessa! Come on! We have to leave now!" I hear Roni scream from the car. Oh no! "Coming!" I yell back and sprint out to the car. I'm the last one in so I have to sit in the back. Great *sarcastically*! I hope everything goes well today.

Marco's POV:
I'm so excited to film with Nessa today! My character has to flirt with her character which won't even be acting because I really like Nessa! I feel confident with my part and I have all of my lines memorized! (Hopefully) When I get there, I go inside and get ready for the first scene in episode 1.

After filming, still Marco's POV:

"Hey Nessa, you wanna come back to my house? We can get some dinner and watch a movie if you want." I was so nervous saying this to her. I want her to say yes, but I doubt she likes me that much to spend the entire day with me. "Yea I'd love to! I'll go tell my dad and Roni." she smiled while saying and walked over to her dad. I had the biggest smile on my face. I'm so happy to spend a couple more hours with her! Maybe I'll have to courage to tell her how I feel!

Nessa's POV:
Marco asked me to have dinner with him and maybe watch a movie after we were done in the studio! I'm so happy! "Roni guess what?!?!" I said excitedly. "Did Marco ask you out?!?!" she said. "Kinda. It's not an official date but we're hanging out for a couple hours tonight!" I said trying not to seem too excited. Roni squealed and we started jumping around. "Can you tell Daddy for me please." I asked her. "Sure! Go have fun on your date!" she said and walked away to go find Daddy. "Thank you!" I yelled and went back over to Marco. This is gonna be one of the best nights ever!

Aaron's POV:
I heard a squeal that sounded like one of the twins. I'm assuming it has something to do with Marco. Roni came over to me almost bounding off of the ground. She's so cute! "Did Marco ask Nessa out?" I asked her. "Yes!!! #Varco!!! Wait. How'd you know?" she said excitedly and then confused. "I heard you squeal and saw how you were coming over here. And I know that Marco and Nessa like each other so it was kinda obvious." I said, smiling. "Oh. That makes sense. You wanna come over tonight since Nessa's with Marco?" she asked me. "I'd love to!" I said and took her hand. We went over to Paul to tell him that Nessa was going with Marco and she'll text us when she's coming home. After everyone had left the studio, we went back to the Merrell household. As soon as we got inside, Roni and I went up to her room.

Roni's POV:
"I'm gonna take a shower now if that's ok with you. I'll be out soon." I said to Aaron. "Ok. I'll go help your mom make dinner." he said and kissed my cheek. He's so sweet! How did I get such an amazing boyfriend?!?! After my shower, I put on sweatpants and one of Aaron's t-shirts. I put my hair in a messy bun because it was still wet and went downstairs to eat dinner.

I hope you guys liked this chapter! I'm trying to write longer chapters now since I only post on the weekends. Comment what you think along with some suggestions for future chapters.

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