Chapter 9

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Lauren's POV:
"Shhhhhh! Let's scare them!" I heard Alex say to me. "Ok! Good idea! I said. We burst in the house and screamed "BOO!!!" We saw Roni and Aaron jump back from each other! What were they doing? It was really dark so I couldn't see them very well. It looked like they were kissing though and now I feel really bad for barging in on them.

Aaron's POV:
"No. Here's to right now." I said at the same time Troy said it. I was so caught up in the scene. I started leaning in. What are you doing Aaron? Stop! She doesn't wanna kiss you! Oh wait! She's leaning in also! I guess she does wanna kiss me! Our lips were less than a centimeter apart when we heard, "BOO!!!" We jumped back from each other. I saw Lauren and Alex coming through the door. Alex was laughing but Lauren looked really guilty. She turned on the light and started walking towards us.

Roni's POV:
I was about to kiss Aaron when Laurex walked in the door and screamed "BOO!!!" We quickly separated before they could see us about to kiss. I looked over and saw that Alex was laughing. I think Lauren knew what she and Alex were interrupting because it looked like she felt really bad. She turned on the light and walked towards us. "I'm so so so so so sorry!" Lauren apologized. "No it's totally fine!" I said. "Yea it's fine! You don't have to feel bad!" Aaron said. The truth is, it wasn't fine and she should feel bad. I was about to kiss my crush! But of course I wasn't going to tell her any of that! "Alex, can I speak to you in the other room please?" Aaron asked. "Sure!" Alex said as they walked into Aaron's bedroom. I guess I am going to tell Lauren about what happened.

Alex's POV:
Aaron wanted to talk to me privately? I wonder why? "Hey Aaron! What's up?" I said. "What's up? What's up?!?! You just ruined the perfect opportunity for me to kiss Roni! You know how much I like her! You could have at least given me a warning that you were coming home! But no! You just had to barge in! We were reenacting the last scene of HSM2 where Troy and Gabriella kiss and can you guess who was playing Troy and Gabriella?" he yelled at me. I could tell he was furious. I feel really bad now! "You and Roni?" I said quietly. "Yes me and Roni! We were so close to kissing! And you ruined it!" he continued to yell. "I'm really sorry Aaron! You'll kiss her some other time!" I apologized and tried to lighten the mood. "I hope so! But no other moment will be as perfect as that one!" he said sadly. "You'll get over it. And once you and Roni get married, I'll get to say I told you so." I said and walked out of the room before Aaron could respond.

Roni's POV:
After Aaron and Alex left the room, Lauren spoke to me. "Roni, I'm so sorry!" We shouldn't have barged in like that!" "It's ok I guess. It could have been worse." I said. "What's worse than us walking in on your make out session?" Lauren said kind of loudly. "What?!?! Our lips didn't even touch yet! We weren't making out!" I exclaimed. "Oh my gosh! I ruined your moment! I'm so sorry Roni! I feel so bad! Before Alex and I were dating, I would've hated it if someone walked in on us right before we kissed!" Lauren said and started to cry. "Lauren, don't cry! It's ok. We'll have another 'special moment' some other time where we can have our first kiss together." I felt really bad that Lauren was crying. I hugged her and then Alex and Aaron walked back in. "I better get going now. It's getting late." I said. I hugged Aaron and left to go home. "Bye Roni!" the 3 of them said as I walked out the door. "Bye!" I said and went out to my car.

Wow! This was a super long chapter! You guys are lucky because I've been in a really good mood to write lately. This is the second chapter I posted today! I might even post another one tonight if I can finish it before I go to sleep. If not, then I might post it tomorrow. I'm sad that RonRon didn't kiss but they'll get their moment eventually.

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