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Ok so I have this theory about Roni and Aaron's relationship. You know how they always used to call each other "best friend"? Well, Aaron just started calling Roni his "bff" on Instagram on one of the pictures from Cabo and I think he may have proposed while they were there. Think about it. Best friend implies that the person is your best friend at that specific point in time, meaning that Aaron and Roni were dating. Best friend forever implies that you will always be best friends until the day you die, meaning that Aaron probably proposed or something. Marriage is more of a lifetime thing and dating is something that most likely doesn't last forever. Also, Aaron said it was his best birthday trip ever and it's all because of Roni and her planing everything. It seemed like Roni didn't want to take all of the credit possibly because she couldn't have planned the proposal because obviously Aaron did maybe with the help of other people like Nessa or Alex. I'm not trying to invade their privacy or anything, I'm just saying that it might have been the best birthday trip for him because he's now engaged to "the best girlfriend ever" in his opinion.

Strangers to friends, then best friends, and so on?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن