Chapter 6

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Roni's POV:
A couple hours after we got home from Stanley's Diner, I saw an Instagram notification. I clicked on the app to see what it was and sure enough, it was a dm from Aaron.

Aaron: Hey Roni!
Roni: Hey Aaron!
Aaron: Wanna hang?
Roni: Sure! What time?
Aaron: 4 at my place?
Roni: Perfect! See you there!
Aaron: See you there!

Aaron's POV:
Yay Roni's coming over at 4! I'm gonna ask Alex and Lauren for some advice because I have a tiny crush on Roni. I'm also gonna ask them to leave our apartment so I can be alone with her. "Alex? Lauren? Can I talk to you guys for a bit?" I asked them. "Sure! What's up?" they answered. "Well, Roni's coming over at 4 and I wanted some advice." I told them. "Oooooooo you like Roni!" Alex teased. "Stop! I think I do like Roni but I doubt she likes me back! That's what I wanted help with!" I said. "Well, when I met Alex, I liked him but he tortured me and said we were 'explorers' for the longest time before he asked me to be his girlfriend. I hated that term but I really liked him and I was waiting for so long before he asked me out." Lauren explained. "What are you saying?" I asked her. "I'm saying that if it ever becomes obvious that she likes you, DON'T MAKE HER WAIT!!!" Lauren yelled while Alex stood there laughing. "How do I know if she likes me?" I asked worriedly. "The signs will be obvious and if you don't catch on, Alex or I will and we'll tell you." Lauren said reassuringly. "Thanks!" I said. "Anytime big bro!" Alex said. "I'm assuming you want us to leave when Roni comes so you can be alone with her right?" Lauren asked. "Yes please!" I was so happy for Roni to get here! I really hope she likes me as more than a friend! I go to my room to get ready for tonight.

Roni's POV:
It's already 3:00! I have to get ready to go to Aaron's! "Nessa!" I call. "Yea Roni?" she yells back. "Can you help me pick out an outfit for tonight?" I ask. "Sure! You're going to Aaron's apartment right?" she says while walking into my room. "Yea! I'm really excited! I don't wanna wear anything too formal but I also wanna look nice." I say as I walk over to my closet. "Wear this!" Nessa says while holding up a cute but comfy dress. "Perfect! Thanks Nessa!" I say while going into the bathroom to shower. "Anytime!" she says while going back into her room.

I hope you guys like the story so far! Thank you so much for over 200 reads! Shoutout to ImA_MerrellPotato for voting and commenting! Thank you for the suggestion and I hope you like the story so far!

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