Chapter 29

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Nessa's POV:
Marco and I are going to Aaron's New Years party tonight. We're hoping to confirm our relationship to our fans soon. I get all ready for the party and call Marco. "That's weird. He didn't answer." I say to myself and decide to text him instead.

Nessa: Hey! Do you want me to pick you up for the party tonight?

A couple hours later, Marco answers.

Marco: Yea that'd be great thanks!
Nessa: Ok. Why didn't you answer sooner?
Marco: I was helping my cousin pick out a wedding dress.
Nessa: Oh! Tell her I said congratulations!
Marco: I will. See you soon!
Nessa: See you soon!

That explains why! I think I remember him telling me about that. I can't believe I forgot.

Marco's POV:
I get ready for the party and soon after, I hear a knock at my door. It must be Nessa! I open the door and there she is. "You ready?" she asks. "Yup! Let's go!" I say and we walk out the door to her car. We drive to Aaron's apartment and we're one of the first ones there so we ask if we can do anything to help. Aaron says that Roni already helped him and everything's already done. Aaron and Roni are perfect for each other! "Hey Nessa, can I talk to you in the other room?" I say. She nods and we walk to one of the bedrooms. "What did you wanna talk about?" she asks kinda concerned. "You're just way to good for me I don't deserve someone as perfect as you are!" I explain, hoping she understands what I'm trying to say. "Marco, you're the best boyfriend I've ever had and you're perfect in my eyes!" she says and kisses me. "I love you, Nessa." I say fakely. She smiles and says, "I love you too, Marco." We go back to the living room and I see that more people are here now. I guess this is gonna be a fun party!

A couple hours later:
Nessa's POV:
I haven't seen Marco in a while. I wonder where he is. "Have either of you seen Marco?" I ask Lauren and Alex. (Btw they're still together in this story.) "I haven't seen him. Sorry Nessa." Lauren says and they walk away. Where could he be? He went to the bathroom an hour ago and now I can't find him. Maybe he got lost on his way back and couldn't find me? I decide to check in all of the rooms. I hope I don't walk in on anyone doing anything. That'd be gross! I check in 4 out of 5 bedrooms with no luck, but it's a good thing no one else was in any of the rooms. Time to check the last bedroom. I hear people in there. Do I really wanna go in? It kinda sounds like Marco tho. Do I wanna risk it? Yea why not. I open the door to see Marco with another girl. "MARCO?!?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH CASSIE?!?!" (I just made up that name.) I scream loud enough for the whole house to hear but apparently no one else did. He immediately stops kissing her and tries to explain himself. "Save it. I'm done with you." I say and run out of the house. I drive home and cry in my room for the rest of the night. This was the worst New Years Eve ever! At least I didn't have my New Years kiss with a cheater. I can't believe he would do that to me! After that conversation we had before the party about me being "too perfect for him". Maybe that's why he said that. Cuz he really doesn't deserve me. I'm awesome and he's a cheating, lying jerk. I'm actually not gonna let this ruin my night! I drive back to the party and get drunk. I have absolutely no idea what happened after that!

Lauren's POV:
Nessa is drinking a lot! She's totally drunk right now! "Hey Nessa, you're getting really drunk right now. You're never like this. Did something happen?" I ask worriedly. "Marco cheated on me but I decided I wouldn't let that ruin my night." she says, obviously very drunk. "Good for you! I hope you feel better!" I say and walk over to Alex. It's almost 12! "5, 4, 3, 2, 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!" Everyone shouts. Alex pulls me into a kiss and when we pull apart, I see a few other couples still kissing. "RonRon is so cute!" Alex says just as I look over at them. "Yea, they are! I think they said they were gonna tell their fans about their relationship soon!" I say excitedly. "Ooooooo great!" Alex says happily. We walk over to the food and get some more to eat.

Kian's POV: Before 12
I see a girl drinking and dancing around like a maniac. She looks super energized but also like she's gonna pass out any second. I decide to go over to her and introduce myself. I just broke up with my girlfriend a couple days ago and this girl is really pretty and looks like she'd be a nice person. I go over and say, "Hi! I'm Kian. What's your name?" She stares at me for a couple seconds before answering, "Hi Kian! I'm really drunk so I'm not quite sure what my name is. It's either Veronica or Vanilla or Victoria or Vanessa or something like that." This girl must be super drunk if she doesn't even know her own name! "Do you at least know where you live so I can take you home?" I ask her. "Ummmmmm ask my sister. She's the one over there that looks exactly like me." she says and points to the living room. I walk over and find my buddy Aaron with the girl. "Hey Aaron! Great party!" I greet. "Oh hey Kian! This is my girlfriend Veronica." he says and a girl who looks a lot like the drunk girl puts her hand out for me to shake. I shake her hand. This must be who the girl was talking about. "Are you that drunk girl's sister?" I ask and point to the girl. "Oh my gosh! VANESSA!!!" she yells and runs over to her. I guess her name is Vanessa. I go over also. "I offered to drive her home but she couldn't remember her address and told me to ask you." I explain. "That'd be great if you could bring her home safely! Thank you so much! Our address is *insert address* Just explain to my mom what happened. She'll understand." Veronica says. I nod and bring Vanessa to my car so I can drive her home. I explain everything to her mom and carry Vanessa up to her room. I lay her in bed and start writing a note for her to read in the morning. "5, 4, 3, 2, 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!" I hear from downstairs. Vanessa is sound asleep so it didn't wake her up. "Goodnight Vanessa. Happy New Year." I whisper and kiss her forehead. I decide to just go back to my house and sleep instead of going back to the party.

Happy New Year!!! Thank you so much for 5k reads!!! That's so amazing!!! I'm so thankful for you all!!! Sadly, I start school again tomorrow and won't be able to update as frequently but I'll try my best. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know it was really long and a big mess and it didn't really coordinate with the last chapter but oh well. I always just write as I go and don't plan anything ahead of time so I'm sorry if it seems kinda off. I'm also sorry if you ship Varco. I only did that because I still don't know who I ship Nessa with so I figured I'd give a couple people a chance and see who's the best.

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